Thursday, April 16, 2020

I read where a lady said she needed some work clothes for the week ahead so she washed another load of pajamas.

I greet another day with a heart filled with gratitude and hope. I support all that is being done to deal with this current worldwide crisis, however, my hope is not in medical science. I respect the governing authorities and their efforts to contain and curtail the impacts, however, my hope is not in government. I know the brightest and the best have been assembled for these task forces, however, my confidence is not in what they will recommend. For me, the bottom line, it will be the God of heaven that helps us get through this and my hope is in Him. Amen. That's my preamble to today's edition sent out on this Thursday, April 16, 2020. We do know this time we are living in is serious. I saw an assembly of the faces of frontline workers, first responders and those providing medical services. The faces were tired, worn, and the strain showed. And, we pray for them. In the midst of all of the sadness, we do need to find something to smile about. Fortunately, there are always those coming up with anecdotes and sharing them with us. Here are some I selected to share.

~ Many are predicting a baby boom in our future coming out of this health crisis. Some have recommended when these babies become teenagers we call them: The Quaranteens.

~ If you actually need a dozen cases of toilet tissue on hand, you most likely should have been seeing a doctor long before Covid-19.

~ You work at a bank. Two guys come in wearing masks. You are relieved when they only want to rob the bank.

~ Day 1. I heeded the warning and have stocked up with enough non-perishable goods to last a very long time, maybe even a year. Day 1 + 45 minutes. I go to the supermarket because I forgot the Twix.

~ After a few days without sports, I discovered this attractive young woman sitting on my couch. She says she is my wife. She seems really nice.

~ Nurse: I hate to inform you but your test confirms you have Covid-19. Me: How could that be? I have more than 300 rolls of toilet paper.

~ I got one of those huge rolls of toilet paper, the size of a small car tire, as a gag gift for Christmas. Who's laughing now?

~ I never knew how boring it could be around this place. My dog: "Now you know why I chew on the furniture."

~ Relieved to find out the virus typically doesn't have a huge impact on the young, then it hits you: You're not young anymore.

Example of dust catching knick-knacks.
I mentioned before how the wife has used this time to do what she calls deep cleaning. I'm talking about taking everything off the walls and scrubbing them. As she finds stuff that typically is not hers she suggests maybe it is time to get rid of it. She has gotten rid of a lot of stuff. And, I would imagine once this thing does the Bible fulfillment, "and it came to pass", we will spend the next two months looking for what has been moved. She did ask me about a small unit I had purchased many years ago. It is the little box projector where you can use a Super8 projector to capture the image for a VHS tape. She thought maybe it was a piece of equipment we could do without. I told her to wait just a minute. I paid good money for that device, it has only been used a few times, and, I may want to use it again someday. That's an example of how our conversations have gone regarding her property removal process. I'm not complaining here because she is doing the work, however, I do notice the knick-knacks or dust catchers as I call them have continued to find a home in the deep cleaned environment. They obviously were deemed as essential in our world going forward. Remember, I am only an observer, and it is good not to shoot the messenger. Have a great rest of the day and may God bless each one. Amen. .....More later.

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