Tuesday, April 7, 2020

A lyric from the Michael W. Smith song, 'Waymaker', "Even when we can't see it He's working."

Good morning everyone and welcome. It is Tuesday, April 7, 2020, and I do bring you greetings from my house confinement to your place of operations. I say it that way because some who receive my blogs are on the front lines of dealing directly with this pandemic, healthcare, law enforcement, and other duty-related functions. Others are considered essential and continue to be on the job. The rest of us, especially those of us in the high-risk category, should be doing everything we know how to do to follow the guidelines which can be translated into: Stay Home, Period. We finally signed up for the online ordering of our groceries. I know many folks have been doing it for a while, but, it was a new experience for us. We ordered them early one morning and because of the backlog, we didn't get them curbside into our vehicle until the next late afternoon. It is a feature of the 'new normal'. At the same time, we do have some things that are in the upswing of increase. Our weight including Mr. Bentley's. My blood sugar averages. I started to say frustrations, but, that would not be an accurate comment because we are too blessed to not recognize God's provisions. Increased concern. Yes! We have many near and dear to us who, because of their work duties, are out and about each day and we are concerned for their health, wellbeing, and for those in their homes. Increased prayers. Yes and Yes! I know there have been worse times in our history. I've shared some of those documented calamities. What makes this different is the fact that it is happening now, in real-time, and it is happening globally, along with a society made up of folks who are not necessarily equipped to handle challenges and hardship. Except, with God's help. That's why we pray. Amen.

Having Mr. Bentley locked-in with us has been a huge blessing. He is a one dog entertainment program. He makes us laugh. Often. And, we do know that is good medicine. Right? ("A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones." Proverbs 17:22) We are still leaving our confinement location long enough each morning to make our ride around the neighborhood. He is hilarious because he so loves hanging his head out the window and feeling the wind on his face. However, when we get back home it is as if we had been gone for a week. He jumps up on the dash. He knows the wife is inside and he can hardly wait to see her. I often say to him, "Listen, you just left 5 minutes ago, what is your problem?" He is undeterred and when we come through the kitchen door he makes a beeline to the wife and starts acting like he hasn't seen her in weeks. I do believe Mr. Bentley can teach me some things especially about what unconditional love looks like. To him, it is not a humdrum same old same old type of world. It is one where he goes nuts every time he sees someone he knows and loves and sometimes even someone he has never met before. Crazy dog, but, what a character, and what a blessing he has been to us. "Lord, help me to love others the way You do." Amen.

Our Pastor, Dr. Jerry Chaddick, shared last week a recommendation from a young preacher, Bro. Josh Reavis. Bro. Josh has preached at our local fellowship and his dad, Dr. Herb Reavis, Jr., has been a longtime friend to our Church. Here is the encouragement Bro. Josh shared with the folks in his local congregation:

"Want to stay sane during April? Avoid overconsumption of the news.

Start your day with the Word and prayer

Go outside. Breathe some fresh air

Then check the news and get updated

Avoid news and talking heads the rest of the day

Check the news early evening

Bible and prayer before bed

This obviously won’t work for everyone, but the point is this - find a healthy rhythm. April will be a marathon, not a sprint. Take care of yourself spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Saturating yourself with news channels will have an ill effect on all three."

Not bad advice for us all including yours truly who tends to watch way too much of the endless stream of information flying through the airwaves. Have a great rest of the day and may God add His blessings. Amen. .....More later.

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