Tuesday, August 14, 2018

“We refuse to turn off our computers, turn off our phone, log off Facebook, and just sit in silence, because in those moments we might actually have to face up to who we really are.” ~ Jefferson Bethke, Author, "Jesus: Why He Is So Much Better Than Trying Harder, Doing More, and Being Good Enough"

Talk about wear and tear. This is my keyboard!
Good morning and welcome. It is Tuesday, August 14, 2018, and I am here doing my best to keep it all together as we get started on another adventure, you know, the day before us! I wanted you to see my keyboard because it stays very busy. The wife says she doesn't know of anyone who hits the keys harder than I do. Determination. Or maybe, bad habit leading to bad technique. The other day my keyboard stopped dead in its ability to function. Hello? What now? Wait just a cotton picking minute! It is wireless, therefore, being the wise person that I am I decided to check the batteries. What's up with these batteries these days? I probably changed these out just a few years back. I suppose they had been in so long, one of them had a wee bit of corrosion on it. Guess when it gave up the ghost? Right in the middle of me typing. Happens that way. Every time! I used some used triple AAA batteries and have had to switch them out already. Life can be such a struggle. But technology must be wonderful because I hear about it all the time. One of the fellows who posts on a forum regarding Old Time Radio programs passed on a tip the other day. He said that he has found that he can play his old time radio shows through his smart TV and take advantage of his enhanced sound system. Is that something or what? He can watch his radio programs on his smart TV. No pictures, just the sound. Do we live in a wonderful world? Or what?

For those wondering, that is not a halo over my head in the photo in the lead paragraph. It was nothing more than the glow from a fluorescent light. And, no, I was not attempting to tune my keyboard. I am only trying to keep us all on the same page. The phrase 'on the same page' is actually of fairly modern construction. The earliest use found to date is from the early 1970's where a newspaper used this quote, "I think we can beat Washington and whichever team we play next to get into the Super Bowl. If 47 players and our coaches are all on the same page, we can do it." My experience tells me that it got picked up fast because throughout my management days it was something you heard quite often. As in, get all the troops together and let's see if we can get everyone on the same page. Or, reading from the same script. Or, singing from the same hymnal. Singing the same song. Or, as they say in the UK, singing from the same songsheet. Having everyone pulling in the same direction is critical if you are to accomplish the desired outcome or destination. This is especially true in business, but, just as critical in the family and in the Church. Our pastor made this very point this past Sunday evening. The things we do when we gather are done for a purpose. All of them. They serve to honor the Lord and to minister to people. Know what business you are in. Honoring God through worship and being His hands to minister to needy people. When everyone is focused on that being the outcome of our efforts, well, God is pleased and men, women, boys, and girls are changed, for time and eternity. Amen.

Having experienced the unexpected weight gain that may be directly related to the consumption of food, or the result from a particular diabetic medication, or, a mysterious factor yet unknown, I do have one particular continuing complaint. It would seem the same people who used to make jokes about me having to wear padding as The Real Santa, now are having even more fun making everyone aware I will no longer need to wear any padding at all. They even go as far as to say that it might be a good idea for me to try the suit on to make sure it still fits. I suppose it was funny, even to me, the first few times it was mentioned. Whoever would have thought that Santa himself would become sensitive to being called a 'fatso'. (He had a broad face and a little round belly That shook when he laughed, like a bowl full of jelly. He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf, And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself;...) Please don't send me the 1-800 number for counseling for overweight Santas. Awareness is always the starting point for change. I'm not sure of that, but, it sounded like it might sell so I threw it in there for good measure. Whatever the cause, it has become resistant to efforts to alter the status quo. Cutting back doesn't seem to make much of a dent. Meanwhile, I guess it could be worse. I mean, that would almost always be true regardless of the situation. I am actually not so much depressed about it as I am puzzled. It's as if my regulator thingie has gone on the fritz. Meanwhile, I will practice my ho-ho-ho's and do my best to keep the Christmas Spirit alive and well. Enjoy, and thank God for the day that He has given to us all. Amen. ....More later.

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