Monday, August 20, 2018

This is a song written by Mosie Lister and made popular by the Southern Gospel group, The Booth Brothers: "Well I’m still feelin’ fine after all this time I’m feelin’ mighty fine today Every day I’m climbing just a little bit higher Walkin’ up the King’s Highway I still want to go Where the milk and honey flow And I’m not gonna change my mind Happy on my journey And I’m still feelin’ mighty fine."

Bottom, left to right: Cleon, Marilyn, Bro. Milton in heaven now, and Dorothy
Good morning and welcome to our session for today. Our title: Back-to-work Monday. Date: August 20, 2018. Yesterday, we noted the 83rd birthday of my wife's brother Cleon. When I think about Cleon, I think about him being quiet, contemplative, competent, and probably more than anything else, being completely faithful to his family. Every family would be well off to have a 'Cleon' to be there for them and I know he has been influential in my life, therefore, I thank God for my brother-in-law. Amen.

The week before last we had a special called meeting of our Thursday Evening Gathering in our home. We had a beautiful couple who do mission work in the Middle East to come and talk about their efforts there. We've known the lady since she was born. Her parents are our dear friends. When I introduced them I told how I remember as a little one she didn't grow her hair quickly and they used to tape a bow on top of her head. She exclaimed that I had truly known her for a long time. We were blessed to know that while the work in that part of the world is not easy, the Gospel message carries with it the power of God. They have three little girls and we were so blessed to hear all that God is doing in their lives. We had a total of 17 of us that evening. We enjoyed two hours of singing, praying, and hearing about God at work in such a faraway place, and a good old-fashioned time of fellowship. They have to be careful throwing about their names, but, I do know that if you pray for them, God knows who they are, and we do too! They should be back in their area of ministry soon. May God continue to lead, guide, direct, and protect them as they go. Amen.

I can't begin to express how overwhelmed I felt, having received so many birthday greetings to recognize my 72nd year. Those were wonderful. They were also very humbling. At the same time, I was reminded of this passage from the Book of Jeremiah, Chapter 9, Verses 23-24:

"Thus says the Lord:
'Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom,
Let not the mighty man glory in his might,
Nor let the rich man glory in his riches;
But let him who glories glory in this,
That he understands and knows Me,
That I am the Lord, exercising lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth. For in these I delight,” says the Lord.'"

I don't know about you, but, those truths help to shape the reality of what life is all about. Here is the amazing thing to me. God knows me from the inside out. Nothing about me is hidden from Him. Yet, He loves me. I belong to Him. Forever and ever, Amen. Do I deserve this love? Nope. But, I am thankful for His provision through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, that makes me right in the Father's eyes. Just sharing. Nothing more than that. Have a great rest of the day and think some about what it means to be 'in Christ'. Amen. .....More later.

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