Friday, August 3, 2018

"Some people ask the secret of our long marriage. We take time to go to a restaurant two times a week. A little candlelight, dinner, soft music, and dancing. She goes Tuesdays, I go Fridays." ~ Henny Youngman

Happy Friday, on this August 3, 2018, and welcome to our fireside chat for today. The fireside is being provided by that lucky old sun that has nothing to do but roll around heaven all day. I think that scientific insight comes from an old Willie Nelson song. I typically fact check my work, but, I'll pass on that one. This past Tuesday we all sat on the edge of our seats waiting to see if one of the rain showers in the area might land on us. It did, and, yes, we immediately thanked God for it. The reason I mention this is because of the amount of actual territory included in what is typically called the Houston Metroplex. We can have a deluge in one quadrant and nary a drop in another. But, we, here at our business, and at our home, got a very good shower and it did help. I don't know if we have an official count yet, but, I think we may have only lost a couple of the wife's plants while she was away. I think one was in the garage and got missed. The other one was maybe sickly already. She didn't seem to be too upset, therefore, I will take that as an affirmation that we pretty much took care of business while she was away. We tried. But, then again, I've been told that I can be very trying at times. We all have to be good at something. Right?

For Flashback Friday I've dug up a portion from one I wrote back in August of 2007. Today I've completed 2,869 episodes. In this one, my 63rd blog, I was explaining how I chose the 'Sixty-plus' as a qualifier. ~ Whenever I began this blogging venture some 62 articles ago I used the Sixty-plus moniker as a way of setting some context for the stories that have unfolded. I will soon be sixty-one years old and there are issues that face people as they grow older. The status of one’s health and ability to function and operate are very critical to a person’s sense of independence and mobility. However, one of the things that trouble me is how we in this society have made age along with nearly every other conceivable distinction an isolated unit requiring special interest status. Most will immediately assume I am thinking about all of this because of my age. And, I have already admitted to paying more attention to my retirement statement and other articles and information that would be age appropriate at this phase in my life. But in all fairness, this is not why I am expressing concern over the segmentation of our society by factors like age. I am supposed to speak again to our Church group called Onward Christian Seniors, OCS, tomorrow evening. It will be a continuation of my first session with them where I spoke about God’s plan for people including when they become what we call “seniors”. It’s easy for any of us who are no longer spring chicks to use all of these negatives to excuse ourselves from faithfully serving God. While everyone else will likely nod in agreement that they understand why we drop out when the odds are stacked against us, the real question is this: “Does God agree with us doing this?” That’s the question that really counts. Our answer will make a huge difference in how we finish our race. May we all be able to join the Apostle Paul in his declaration to his young helper Timothy, when he, at the end of his life said, “I have fought a good fight and I have finished my course (my race)”. ~

To use the greatly overused figure of speech, I've had a lot on my plate of late. (I've actually had too much actual food on my actual eating plate, but, that's a subject for another day.) Think about it. I'm still recovering from 10 days of functioning on my own. I hope that one doesn't leave scars. One day this week I accidentally tipped over a bottle of water. The lid was on but not screwed down. I had a mess to clean up. Later that afternoon, I spilled a cup of hot coffee. It went everywhere, so to speak. It added new coffee stains to all of the papers on my desk. Yep. They already had a few. Those two incidents on the same day had me wondering if I was losing my grip. It made me think I should order me a 'clean up on my aisle' sign to put on my desk. I was surprised while filling my gas tank by a fellow who looked desperate. He said he had just found out his wife was cheating on him and asked if I would be willing to help him purchase an 18 pack of beer so he could drown his sorrows. Do what? It caught me off guard. I didn't give him any money and he ran off before I could give him a word from the Lord. I count that as a missed opportunity. And, yes, that was a first. I've had plenty of people ask me for money but none like that one. In addition to these, I've continued my nearly 72-year wrestling match with a most formidable opponent, a triple threat, if you will, that famous tag team, Me, Myself, and I. See what I am up against? Pray for me because I do need prayer. We all do. Even the Gospel giant, the Apostle Paul, asked people to pray for him. (Romans 15:30-33; 2 Corinthians 1:10-11; Ephesians 6:19-20; Philippians 1:19-20; Colossians 4:2-4; 1 Thessalonians 5:25; 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2; Philemon 22.) That should tell us something. I do hope you have a great Saturday and Lord's Day Sunday. I will do my best to catch back up with you, come next Monday. May God bless. Amen. ....More later.

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