Monday, August 27, 2018

"Socialism is no longer a dirty word in the US – and that’s scary for some." ~ Article written by Arwa Mahdawi for the UK Guardian.

The merry go round stopped and when I got off I discovered it was back-to-work Monday, August 27, 2018. I have a few things that have been percolating their way to the top of my list. For those millennials hoping to see our country become some type of socialistic environment, they might want to take a look at some of those who have in recent years gone in that direction. Venezuela. It pretty much did what the folks like Elizabeth Warren and others want to do here. While it took a few years, a once rich nation is now in desperate straights. That chicken above cost, in their currency, 14,600,000 bolivars. That equals $2.22 in US currency. Current reporting from Venezuela indicates the country is in total chaos at this time. The left-leaning folks might think long and hard before they promise to make everything free here in our nation. Elizabeth Warren has a plan to nationalize American businesses. (government takeover) That's hard to even fathom. This is a plan coming from a person who was given a concession to get a professorial job because of her stated claim to be of Native American heritage, which, has been proven to be false. Here's another item. A major liberal publication reported on the death of a well-known member of the homosexual community. He died of AIDS. By his own admission, he was a prolific philanderer in terms of his sexual exploits. The publication reported a link between his death and his lifestyle. The homosexual community went ballistic. You can't make those connections. They demanded a retraction. The truth doesn't matter. This is the world we live in. A Mexican food restaurant in San Antonio served a meal to the United States Attorney General and his entourage. The manager had his photo made with Attorney General Sessions. The immigration lobby came against this local eatery. They are boycotting it and its parent company. The manager and the corporate group have put out mea culpa after mea culpa to no avail. Even though under President Obama, families were separated, today's enforcement has become a cause that will see the ruin of anyone who doesn't toe the line with this group's stand. A famous actress who is one of the main complainants charging sexual harassment against the now disgraced studio head, well, she has been discovered to have had a relationship with an underage teenage boy. (He was 17. The age of consent in California is 18.) She broke the law but they paid that young man $380,000 for his silence. This is consistent with much of the agenda of the radical left. Can we all learn to spell Double Standard together? It's the way I read these stories, you know, as in, my opinion.

In a former life in a galaxy far, far away, I headed a computing and telecommunications organization for a major oil company and had over 150 people working for me. In 1993, after nearly 24 years, I left that environment to pursue other opportunities. I do have some contact with a few of my former colleagues and they keep me informed about the lives of those who were under my shepherdship back in the day. Sadly, this often involves letting me know when one of the folks who worked for me has passed from this life into the next. I learned this week that one of 'my kids' had died suddenly. He was 59, his name is Perry. His twin brother Pat died four years ago. Pat and Perry both came to our group while still continuing their college education. These boys were something else! They had the work ethic woven into their being. They were smart, dedicated, skilled, and they were committed to achieving our goals and objectives. Back in those days, many of those in my group, especially those who had served with me for a long run, called me their 'daddy'. I only heard about it. I think maybe one or two had the nerve to say it to my face. For them, it was a term of endearment. For me, it said they would do just about anything to follow my leadership and serve the interests of our Company. I well remember these boys, and, may God bless those mourning their passing and may He comfort each heart. Amen.

Looking back, I know I set an example of someone serious about the work we were organized to accomplish. I led in that way. I was all in. Every day. All the time. Those two boys and many others bought into my program and followed my example. We were driven. We were very successful. However, sitting here today, I can't help but wonder if they picked up anything of lasting value from my example. I'm talking about their eternity. Jesus was very clear on this, "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" (Mark 8:36)  I do remember them having some Church related experiences. Perry used to help in a new fellowship where they had to set up chairs every week in a rented space. There was no mention in either of their obituaries about any religious connection. I pray they were exposed to the Gospel and responded to and embraced Jesus before they left this life. There's nothing wrong with demonstrating a strong work ethic, however, we all live out the life God has given to us and we who know Jesus are called to live in such a way as to influence others. One thing my recent 72nd birthday has done to my mindset is to make me increasingly aware of how my time is slipping away. I do know and am thankful I have earned the respect of many throughout my sojourn, but, I am left to ponder whether that influence pointed them to Christ. The old Blackwood Brothers quartet song comes to mind, "How about your heart, is it right with God? That's the thing that counts today!" Amen. ....More later.

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