Thursday, March 29, 2018

"Water is the most essential element of life, because without water you can't make coffee." ~ copied

Today is Thursday, March 29, 2018, and I am here to share the warp and woof of my day by day journey here on this terrestrial ball. That warp and woof are terms that have to do with weaving and fabric, therefore, in my usage, it refers to the 'fabric of life'. I found this quote that lays out this concept better than I can explain it, "I pray that I am sufficiently stirred by the rumor of great things to seek the God who created this single thread that I am, and to marvel at a vision magnificent enough to cause this God to weave from this single thread a tapestry most resplendent." (Craig Lounsbrough, Professional Life Coach, and Author) For me, it's more or less doing what I do. Hopefully, with intention and purpose, but I'm pretty sure some days more or less run on auto-pilot. That weaving metaphor reminded me of a little story that I've told before but it is a good reminder of the reality of how things really are. A little boy was sitting on the floor and his mom was doing her embroidery using a hoop. From his perspective, all he could see was the gnarled up threads that seemed to be chaotic and hopeless. He told his mom how confused it looked. She simply turned it over and showed him this beautiful scene and he beamed as he saw the finished product. Sometimes, I find myself looking at life sitting on the floor and all I see are the confused threads. I trust that God is working to make all things beautiful in His time. (Ecclesiastes 3:11) Amen.

I typically listen to Prime Minister Question Time from the British Parliament each Wednesday morning as broadcast by CSPAN. Their tit for tat debates are interesting and they do have application to many of the issues that we face here in our country. Occasionally, they use a word that I am not familiar with. Yesterday, Prime Minister Theresa May was giving an explanation and the party opposite was doing its normal noisy grumbling. She used the word chuntering to describe their behavior. That was a new one for me. So, I looked it up. Here's what I found: "To mutter or grumble incessantly in a meaningless fashion." See? You learn something new every day. When I say they deal with many of the same issues we do, I'm not making that up. Racial divide, taxes, healthcare, education, election-related problems, policing and security, military matters, and challenges to world peace, to name a few. I've said many times in the past that I like their approach. The head of government comes to Parliament and stands to answer directly for actions taken or not taken. It can be raucous at times, but, the people, in approximately one hour or less, do get to hear about the issues that impact them. If you watch the sausage-making that goes on in both our houses of Congress, you will see how the most innocuous of issues may take hours upon hours of ring around the roses dialogue with very little action as a result. I wouldn't want to live in their quasi-socialist system, however, that doesn't mean we can't learn from some of what they do.

I don't know why but I still laugh every time I see this particular cartoon graphic. I've shared it before and will likely share it again. I do listen to older folks and I know this image is consistent with some of what I have heard. Yes. I know that I am one of them, but, I do use technology enough to get a kick out of these types of memes. A study by Pew Research from a few years ago indicated that some 22% of those over 65 actually spend time online. The vast majority do not and many of them have little to no contact with computer technology of any kind. An older person called the helpline because the computer was giving trouble. ~Tech Support: I need you to right click on the open desktop. Customer: Ok. Tech Support: Did you get a pop-up menu. Customer: No. Tech Support: Right click again. Customer: Okay. Tech Support: Now, did you get a pop-up menu? Customer: No. Tech Support: Can you tell me what you have done up to this point? Customer: Sure. You told me to write click so I wrote click. You told me to write click again and I wrote click again, but, nothing happened. ~ One older lady from the senior's center called the printer help desk because she couldn't get the printer to work. The technician asked her if she was running under Windows. She said, "No, my desk is next to the door. But that's a good point because the fellow in a nearby cubicle is sitting under a window and his system seems to be working fine." I've not had those kinds of problems. Yet. However, I have seen the boys looking at each other whenever they are at the house trying to help me with a technology related issue. They don't have to say it because I hear it loud and clear: "You don't have a clue, do you?" But, that's okay, because we do eventually get things going again even if I can't remember what I did to get it all tangled up. You folks do this for me. Do your very best to have yourself a most wonderful rest of today and I'll continue to check and see what might be showing next on the microwave. May God bless. Amen. ....More later.

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