Thursday, March 8, 2018

"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." ~ Robert J. Hanlon, in his book: 'Murphy's Law book two: More reasons why things go wrong!'

Well, hello there, seems like we talked only yesterday, but, I am glad you tuned in to today's broadcast, on this Thursday, March 8, 2018. I occasionally have someone mention to me something I wrote about in one of my daily editions. I'm not always clued into exactly what they are talking about, especially if it has been a while since I penned those words. I hate to ask anyone to tell me what I wrote, however, I do try to string them along until I get the gist of what they remembered me talking about. There may have been a time when I could have quoted them chapter and verse, but, that part of the indexing system has been playing hard to get for some time now. It's most likely an aging problem. Don't get me wrong, once I find out what I was talking about, I most likely can dissect it again. But, think about it, with today's visit, it will make 2,765 of these daily visits. Even accounting for the number of repetitions and duplications, that's still a fair amount of keystrokes and subjects to keep up with. And, believe me, I do appreciate anyone who takes the time to peruse the hash I sling onto the page each day and also those who ask me about something I shared. After all this time I am still trying to figure out why so many of those who do read my blogs comment about how they hope my wife has a good sense of humor. They never ask about my sense of humor. Very puzzling.

You've heard me lament from time to time about the chain letter types of electronic messages that are flying all over the place these days. Now they have begun to use the private message forum. I actually get them from people I know. Here is one I received this week: "This is for you. I have been praying a lot lately and a prayer warrior sent this to me. So I choose you. A blessing is coming to you in the form of money. Don't ask questions just forward this message to 50 people. The devil said you won't take the time to do this. Prove him wrong.  You will receive $15,900.00 in 1 day if you send this to 50 people. Don't ask just trust." I would never want to hurt the feelings of the individual who sent this to me, however, I can't even begin to say how insulting it is to receive stuff like this. I'm sorry. The person behind this particular one is someone I've known for many years. They are a professing and practicing believer. When I say insulting, I'm mostly thinking about them, their testimony, and what this says about how they view the world we live in. Maybe I tend to overreact, but, I guess I should be thankful the message didn't include a dire warning of what might happen to me if I don't follow the instructions. I don't think these types of communication are illegal. It would be if it asked me to contribute money and promised a guaranteed windfall as a result. The type above falls into the category of being dumb and the last time I checked, that's not against the law.

Maybe there are folks who participate in these types of things because they think them to be funny. I certainly don't see anything funny about them. Maybe I'm pulling back the curtain some on my own sense of humor. I've been around long enough to know that some of you are wondering why I don't say what I really think about it. Oh well. It's easy enough to ignore, but, it's not as easy to not have an opinion about it. The wife and I did take the time to vote in the primary election this past Tuesday evening. We are blessed in that most of the elections we participate in have the voting booths in our neighborhood fire department, therefore, we are able to walk a couple of blocks to vote. I know we always have a better feeling when we do our civic duty. I used to subscribe to that thing we so often heard, "If you don't vote, you give up your right to complain." I no longer see it that way. This is America. If you never vote you might have failed to exercise one of the precious rights we have, however, you can still complain because we are free to do so. I can understand the frustrations of the younger crowd. I've made it clear that our system is eaten up with cronyism. However, the fellow I mentioned the other day that I had voted for last time but found out he was not what he said he was, well, the people spoke. He had the power of the incumbency but lost handily because folks were fed up with his backroom approaches. This tells the younger folks they can make a difference. We all can. Staying home is not the answer. Okay. Enough already. I do hope you have a most wonderful rest of the day. May God bless each one. Amen. ....More later.

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