Tuesday, March 13, 2018

“I talk to myself, not because I'm lonely, but because sometimes I'm the only one who understands what I'm saying.” ― Anthony T. Hincks, Minister and Naturalist

Welcome, one and all, it's Tuesday, March 13, 2018. I have to admit the truth. Early yesterday morning, I left the door wide open here at my home away from home where I hunt and peck my way to producing these daily episodes, however, the temperature continued to drop, making it into the mid 40's, therefore, I finally threw in the proverbial towel and got up and shut the door. It was very pleasant for the first couple of hours but around 6 a.m. that dewpoint did a number on me and I had to yield to the cold on my neck and back. Yes. I do hate to disappoint anyone, but, I should get some points for trying. Oh yeah. The bugs thought I had moved to an open door policy so many of them decided to come in and visit. Friendly. They must like my writing because they tend to congregate on my computer screen. (Yes, I am aware that it is the light from the screen. Give me some credit.) You can see what I have to deal with each day. There you were, thinking that being me must be a piece of cake. At least I have an excuse. It's a really good one, I'm sure of that. And, as soon as I find out what it is, I will share it with all of us, beginning first with me, myself, and I. Meanwhile, I'll do my best to keep the home fires burning. Metaphorically speaking, of course.

The other evening we stopped by the Dairy Queen with another couple. While I was there, I gave a young African American boy, he was maybe 5 or 6 years old, one of my Santa cards. I had hesitated a little because his mom and dad were dressed in hip-hop attire. He was ecstatic and couldn't get over me standing right there by him. He gave me a whopping high five. His parents were happy for him, even though they appeared to be a little puzzled by his response. He was genuinely happy. Me too! In today's world, some say kids like him should only see a black Santa. Others think we need women Santa's to counter the male-dominated world of Santa-dom. I get exhausted just thinking about idiotic stuff like that. The character is, after all is said and done, based on a real historical person, Saint Nicholas. We might argue about how perverted and commercialized the Coca-Cola interpretation might be, but, here's my take. That little boy was overjoyed. I'm not going to explain it any further than that. Jesus loves the little children of the world, yellow, brown, red, black, or white, they are all precious in His sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world. And, just so you know, so does this Santa!

Most of the people in our area are on Spring Break. Facebook is crammed full of family outings and vacations. Here's a man-on-the-street observation. Judging from how light the traffic has been, folks really are taking "a break". Could it be that within the acrimonious and hate-filled environment that defines our political world today, that maybe, just maybe, the positive things that are being done have given some hope to folks? The tax reform. The improved economic climate. The job market. We should never underestimate the power of a more confident spirit within the citizenry of our nation. When people have a more positive outlook about where we are and where we are headed, they do things like book trips and do more leisure-oriented activities. I don't even qualify for being called a shirt sleeve economist, but, I do know that the traffic was really light yesterday going home. Sure. The schools are out and that accounts for some of it. But, I'm telling you that folks have left the area. When I got home yesterday I told the wife it was almost like The Rapture had occurred and we had been left behind. I do hope my throwdown assessment is accurate because that would be good for families and for our nation. Meanwhile, I'll zip on down the road and enjoy the commute just a tad more. That is, until next week when they all get back. Take care and enjoy. May God bless and keep us all is my prayer. Amen. ....More later.

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