Friday, March 23, 2018

“We live and die; Christ died and lived!” ~ John Stott, (1921-2011), Anglican Priest, Evangelical Author

Good Friday to each and every one. Not the GOOD Friday which is coming up next week, but, I do bid each one a hearty welcome on this March 23, 2018. And, just so you know, what took place on that upcoming GOOD Friday and all that happened as a result, well, that's what gives us hope on every Friday, and every other day as well. Now would be a good time for us all to sing together the great Gaither tune, ~ Because He lives, I can face tomorrow Because He lives, all fear is gone Because I know He holds the future And life is worth the living, just because He lives. ~ This song of hope and affirmation is the one requested for Billy Graham's memorial service. How fitting. That song encapsulates the truth that undergirds the living out of our lives, one day at a time, with all that happens, the good, the bad, and the hard to bear. Much has already been said about Resurrection Sunday showing up on April Fool's Day this year. I've already heard ministers making the point how it is appropriate to remind people what God has to say, "The fool has said in his heart, 'there is no God'." (Psalm 14:1) It landing on April 1st is somewhat of a rare occurrence. It is a quirk of attempting to match our Gregorian calendar to the way in which the Jewish calendar marks Passover and how Resurrection Day is determined. The last time it was celebrated on April 1st was in 1956. The next will be in 2029. Then, 2040. The good news is reflected in the truth of our Lord's resurrection, and that, my friend, is no joke at all, and especially, it's no April Fool's joke!

Next Monday we will pause to remember the birth date of my mother-in-law, Mom Rawles. She took her flight to her heavenly home back in 1998. On the anniversary of her birth date, ten years ago, I wrote a tribute in my blog dedicated to her memory. It's worth sharing again.

Today we celebrate the memory of my wife's mom because it is her birthday. She passed on to the other side a number of years ago. What a remarkable woman she was! She was what is called a stay at home mom, a pastor's wife, and a woman who wore her faith like it was her everyday clothing. She loved Gospel music, good preaching, and spending time with her family. She was also a one of a kind human sewing 'machine'. There's not much she couldn't figure out how to make. She was a hand quilter and during her lifetime she made literally hundreds of quilts. She was also a writer. She wrote poetry and we are blessed to have volumes of her work. She loved game shows and always wanted everyone to win something. She had problems sleeping at night so she would listen to cassette tapes of Gospel singing. Her favorites? The dozens of tapes she had of her own children and grandchildren singing songs that thrilled her night after night.

She was plain and mostly in the background most of the time. She was a very simple cook who loved variety in putting meals on the table. You never knew exactly what she might be serving but you always knew there would be lots of different dishes to choose from. She battled serious health issues from her teen years forward but she never complained and always kept on keeping on. God blessed her with 81 years and when she passed away the local newspaper said she had been a homemaker. Wow! That she had been and so much more.

God has been so good to me in giving me such wonderful women in my life. I was close to my father-in-law and my mother-in-law. I was saved under the ministry of my wife's dad. Of course, they raised up the woman I married and they stood by us through thick and thin. I can still vividly recall the very last conversation she and I shared just two days before she was called home. It was a happy time of banter and expression of caring and love. She had a quick wit about her and I pause today to thank God one more time for her many contributions to my life. The good news is that I will see her and all those in my family whose faith secured them a place in God's presence. I don't know if they use quilts in heaven, or do lots of needlework, but I can tell you this if they do she is up there running circles around everyone else.

Oh, how blessed we have been! Thanks be to God! Have a great Saturday and Lord's Day Sunday. Here's what I have in mind. I will do my best to show up, Lord willing, come next Monday, at our regular meeting time. Until then, may God bless us all. Amen. .....More later.

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