Friday, September 2, 2016

"We're homebodies. I've gotten to see my kids' first steps, first smiles, first words. Every day is a weekend." ~ Larry the Cable Guy

It's Friday folks, September 2, 2016. After today we enter the three-day weekend in recognition of the Labor Day holiday coming up on Monday. We do not have any specific plans associated with the holiday but we will probably think of something to do. Sometimes you wonder why people do the things they do. I read this week about a London chef who decided to try a noodle dish while visiting Indonesia that is rated to be 4,000 times stronger than Tabasco sauce. (The ‘death noodles’ have 100 bird’s eye chilies crushed together giving it a Scoville rating of 20 million - compared with hot Tabasco which is just 5,000 on the scale.) This particular delicacy has been rated the hottest commercially available food item. That's why it is called 'death noodles.' How hot is it? Well, this particular chef sampled it and it caused him to be temporarily struck with deafness. He became so hot he had to fully submerge his head in water to try and get some relief. The impact lasted for days which leaves most sane people with this question: Why? I occasionally splash a few drops of Tabasco sauce on my eggs and the wife always reminds me there may be consequences. But I suppose, like that other fellow, I do have to live dangerously at times.

As part of my effort to curb my enthusiasm for proliferating words onto the electronic page, I'm going to sign off early today. Many will be out and about to enjoy the holiday. Some will be at work. My mom and dad have been retired for thirty years, therefore, they often don't even know that a holiday weekend is in the offing. If it doesn't conflict with a doctor's appointment it really isn't on their radar screen. Whatever you happen to find yourself occupied with, please be careful. Here in our state, they will be cracking down on those caught driving under the influence. Last year they charged many thousands with that offense during the Labor Day weekend. That means we all need to be alert to those driving in and around us. Enjoy it all including your time meeting with others on Sunday to offer thanksgiving and praise to the God who has made it all possible. See you next time. Lord willing. May God be with us all. Amen. ....More later.

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