Tuesday, May 12, 2015

"But we will say something else. That for far too long in this country, people who can work, people who are able to work, and people who choose not to work: you cannot go on claiming welfare like you are now." ~ David Cameron, Prime Minister, Great Britain

Good morning and welcome. It's Tuesday, May 12, 2015, and it is good to see you today. I am aware that some wonder if I feel better after getting rid of a good rant out of my system about this, that, or the other. Maybe a little. Reality tells us that letting off steam about stuff typically has little impact on the problem. But, it does provide that small relief, therefore, we look here and there to find the opportunity to sound off. Not really. Many of the things I talk about are serious issues. I may take a tongue in cheek approach but believe me when I say that often the underlying challenges are quite daunting. It's good when the world gets it wrong. Last week's election in Great Britain is a great example. The Conservatives led by David Cameron were given little chance to remain in power. All the polling indicated a too close to call election. Every major source supported this theory. On election day the people gave Mr. Cameron and his party a resounding victory, throwing cold water on all the sophisticated polls along with the blowhard pundits. It just goes to show you that people can still show up and make a difference. Let me be clear, the Conservatives in Great Britain are not like conservatives here, however, they are significantly less liberal than their counterparts, the Labor Party. Speaking of that, we can't even figure out the meaning of conservative here in our own land. But, that's a different story for a different day.

Here's a couple of news items that while they didn't surprise me, things like this still cause me to scratch my head. The super liberal throw away any and all societal morals electronic news source, The Huffington Post, ran a featured article about Mothers Day. Their take? Celebrate Mothers Day by embracing abortion. To them killing babies and honoring mothers goes together real well. In a related Mothers Day article one of the save the earth campaigners lamented how that people who give flowers are helping to destroy the planet. How low will celebrities go to assure their peers accept them? One very celebrated comic recently gained favor by telling a little story that placed President Ronald Reagan in hell. These are the same people that say we should go out of way not to say anything bad about those bent on our destruction but when it comes to dead American heroes, the gutter is their playground. And they are so individualistic they require all of their ilk to wildly applaud on cue because not to do so would endanger their club membership. What did you say? Why don't I tell you what I really think? I can tell you this: Stuff like that does tend to get me riled.

You think what? If I keep this up I may get my picture in the dictionary by the word discombobulated? Please don't tease me because that would be a great honor. There are some days where you just have to go with the flow even if it doesn't seem to be headed in any one direction. Or maybe it is going in all directions at the same time. This daily production of material comes as a result of me working without a net. You would think one would get better at it with practice. And, today marks my 2,043rd practice session. They say that laughter is like exercise for your insides. It supposedly lowers your blood pressure. Old fashioned funny stories and jokes have given way to mostly photos and videos since we live in a visual world. We see the guy on the treadmill. An attractive lady is working out close to his area. He is seen obviously paying attention to her. Distracted, he loses his balance and the treadmill works him over. He is humiliated but to the rest of the world it's funny because it's a slice of life. And it lowers your blood pressure. And it gives something on the inside a workout. One would hope. Take care and may God bless each one. Amen.  .....More later.

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