Friday, December 13, 2013

"The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made." ~ Groucho Marx

I didn't know they were allowed to have a Friday the 13th in the same month with Christmas. Did you? But, that's what we are serving up today on this December 13, 2013. This is the second Friday the 13th for this year but it landing in December is the only time it will do so between 2005 and 2015. No. I am not auditioning for a replacement role for the Farmer's Almanac. But I do have some curiosity and it does kick in from time to time. And, be sure you know that I am not into Friday the 13th superstitions and I have never seen even one of the movies by that name. I must have missed the desire-to-be-scared gene because I've never been a fan of anything remotely called a horror flick. On the other hand, I am aware that some folks love those gory stories and even think me enjoying Duck Dynasty is a little scary. Different strokes I suppose. I did have a little boy the other evening who asked Santa for a duck call for Christmas. I said, as in Duck Dynasty. He grinned from ear to ear and said that was exactly what he was talking about. There's still hope for America folks! It's a joke. Don't write me.

I've got to give a shout out to the fellow who did the hearing impaired signing for the dignitaries who spoke at the Nelson Mandela memorial service in South Africa. He actually didn't do any real signing because he didn't know how. He was a fake. What's amazing is how this fellow got the job because it has been reported that he has done this before at major political functions. Talk about nerve. He essentially used his own made up hand gestures to sign President Obama's speech. I wonder which one made the most sense, he or the President? That's also a joke. Now I've heard about imposters and party crashers and impersonators, but, this fellow must be overflowing with bravado. How did he get security credentials to be within a few feet of the world's most powerful leaders? How did he get his job? That's right. It's a government job. Now we know. That's another little joke because I know many very bright people who work for the government and yours truly did also, many, many years ago, not that I'm in the bright category. I just thought this little tidbit too amusing not to share it.

We have come to the end of another work week and I have done my part in inflicting wear and tear on my computer connected keyboard. Let the record show that I have retired several in my many years of beating and banging on them. I will admit that I am particular about my keyboard. Most keyboards today are for people who do not know how to touch type. Finding one that resembles an old fashioned Underwood Typewriter, well, forget about it. Who would have ever thought I would be calling a typewriter old fashioned since that's all I used for the first number of my years in the workforce? But, alas, they are just that, my friend, along with so many other things. That's not to say there's not any out there. They can be found and secured at a premium. Supposedly, there are still authors who need the typewriter as a part of their method of generating prose. I typically use whatever is before me but I do jack it up, tilt it, and make it as close to what suits me as possible. That's how I can kill so many keystrokes so fast. Okay. Now that I have finished that stimulating little foray into meaningless meandering, it's time to say so long for now until we meet again. Have a great Saturday and Lord's Day Sunday, and I'll try to have something cranked out come Monday next. May God bless. Amen.   ...More later.

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