Monday, December 16, 2013

"A memory is what is left when something happens and does not completely unhappen." ~ Edward de Bono

Today is Monday, December 16, 2013. This is the day that the oldest in our family was born in 1942, my brother Jimmy. He went to his reward in March of 1962. We are human and there will always be questions about stuff that we just can't seem to understand. But in the end, we are fortunate because we have our faith in God and that provides us with peace as we continue our journey. Sure, I have wondered about how things might have been different if Jimmy had not passed off the scene when he did. The same for my dad. (1954) The same for my sister Kayla. (1979) Yet, those thoughts have little to add to the task at hand and that is to get on with the life God has provided, and in so doing, to be thankful for all of those He has allowed us to know and love. I could add my grandfather to that list and many others as well. Yet, his favorite song always helps to define how we can go on: "Many things about tomorrow I don't seem to understand But I know who holds tomorrow And I know who holds my hand." Amen.

We had ourselves a busy Saturday and Sunday with three different events for the Santa Enterprise. On Saturday, we did a kid's breakfast with Santa and Mrs. Claus at a country club, we then made an appearance at a Christmas luncheon provided by a ministry team from our local fellowship given to honor the folks we minister to in a mostly elder and special needs apartment complex. I also did a three hour solo stint at one of the major food chains on Sunday afternoon. I had said I might do fewer this year but it's not working out that way. Demand is up and I must be a glutton for punishment I suppose. Maybe this is part of my workout routine. Yeah. That's the ticket. When in uniform I become a walking-talking and mostly sitting portable sauna. It's really not that bad and most of the time it is so very rewarding. A lady asked the other night about how we respond when children ask for things we can only pray about. Very carefully. Yes, children do ask. One little girl recently asked us to help her granddad who was in the hospital and not doing well. My wife told her that we would remember him. I have etched in my memory a number of times when a child has said all they want for Christmas is for their dad or mom to come home so they can be a family again. Folks, I don't have to remind us that it's not all jingle bells and warm and happy glows. That Babe in the manger came that we might have hope and the world so desperately needs to know Him. Amen.

This is countdown week for me, since, Lord willing, this coming Friday will be my last day at work as I plan to be off the week of Christmas. I am looking forward to that! We've had a really cooler than usual December thus far and I have really enjoyed most of it. Being out in the cold cold rain isn't necessarily my first choice but it does make coming inside feel better. Or, if not better, warmer. One thing you can be sure of is that when you get wet, the cold tends to impact you just a tad bit more severely. But, all in all, I put my vote in for more of the same. I like it when it is cold at Christmas time. Others don't. That's okay. I do. We all know, however, that around these parts you can be scraping off the ice from your windshield on Christmas Eve morning, and wearing a short sleeve shirt and sunglasses on Christmas Day. Been there and done that! Have a great rest of the day Monday and remember to be thankful for the many blessings God has granted to us all. Amen.       .....More later.

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