Friday, April 12, 2013

“Cherish all your happy moments: they make a fine cushion for old age.” Christopher Morely, American Journalist, 1890-1957

It's Howdy Doody time here at the ole blogger ranch. Why don't you grab hold of one of those rocking chairs, drag it over here next to me, and let's talk for a spell. After all, we did make it to Friday and we find ourselves still able to get up and go on this April 12, 2013. Yesterday morning we had a feels like of 39 degrees going on here. That same morning I also ran myself through a fairly intense rain and hail storm on my way in. I was glad for the wet stuff but couldn't help but wonder if my new old flivver of a car was getting any pock marks from the hail. They first said we would have a deluge on Wednesday, first in the morning, then in the afternoon, none of which materialized. Then they said it had missed us altogether but we ended up having steady rain all night long. About the time I had begun to begin to think about giving the weather prognosticators the benefit of the doubt, then I find out they must be using a Quija board to make their forecasts since obviously their computers and radar systems aren't really helping that much. But, in the end, we do need the rain, and we are so very thankful to God for it. Amen. As for the way folks drive in rain slick and slimy freeways in and around the metro area, well, I will tell you that I don't care for it that much. No. Not much at all. I started to say that with all that slipping and sliding around they might be trying out their rain tires but that would mean nearly all of them have rain tires!

I visited a dear brother in Christ the other evening in a long term care center. That, or rehabilitation facility, or what it really looks and feels like, a nursing home. Fortunately for him, he doesn't plan on being there for more than a handful of weeks. That certainly is not true for many of the folks I observed during my visit. Let me say I am thankful there are places where the very elderly can get good care and the support they need. And I hope this place is one that provides that type of care. But, it still is a very sad place. Maybe it's the instinctive fear that we all have of ever having to be in a place like that for an extended period of time. Maybe it's because of my age and my realization that time is slipping away. The staff seemed courteous enough. The place was clean as far as I could tell. But the patients. Many of them are just pitiful and my heart goes out to them. I was glad to be able to have a brief visit and to share a prayer with my dear brother, but, I left with a tear in my eye and a hurt in my heart for so many of our nation's grandparents who exist in such difficult circumstances. May God provide His special touch for them is my prayer. Amen.

The other day at the funeral I attended in Louisiana I ran into a fellow that I have known for over 50 years. He and his wife were dating at the same time that Marilyn and I were. His name is Dale Kelly. He came up to me after the service and said that someone had told him who I was. I confirmed his report and we hugged. I asked if he was ready to apologize for nearly breaking my back 50 years ago. He didn't have a clue. I had worked with him for a couple of weeks. He was a bricklayer. I was his helper. He was a bricklayer that got paid by the job. I was his helper. The helper carried the bricks and mixed and hauled the mortar. The bricklayer was driven to finish as quickly as possible. The helper was hardly able to keep up. He wasn't sure he remembered the specific project but he agreed it was very much possible. I suppose he helped me decide that office work might be better suited to my talents and abilities. Instead of seeking his apology, perhaps I should have thanked him. I'll try to remember that if I see him again in the next 50 years. Have a great Saturday and Lord's Day Sunday, and if everything goes according to the plan, I'll catch back up with you next Monday. May God bless each one. Amen.       .....More later.

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