Thursday, April 18, 2013

"But Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me and do not try to stop them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."" Matthew 19:14

Hello and welcome to the place where we will be dealing with Thursday, April 18, 2013, all day long, or for most of it anyway. A common theme since this most recent bombing: "We do live in a messed up world, don't we?" That's not just from folks who wear their faith on their sleeve, it's a genuine consensus on the part of folks far and wide. So much for those who believe that humanity will one day get it all figured out and we will all then live in a utopian society where peace, harmony, and perfect love reigns. Don't laugh. There's even a theological construct that used to predict how that man would get better and better to the extent that Jesus would see how great the world has become, and then He would usher in His millennial kingdom. My take says we have to consult the greatest expertise available to us. That would be the Creator Himself who spoke through Jeremiah, His Prophet, with these words: "The heart is more deceitful than all else And is desperately sick; Who can understand it?" (Jeremiah 17:9) Hopeless? Again, let's check in with the Creator of all things: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16) Some desire more than some Bible talk but at the end of the day, that's all I really have folks, that's all I have.

The Psalmist was inspired to write that out of the mouths of babes God has perfected praise. (8th Division, 2nd verse) A few months ago a young 10 year old fellow in our local fellowship learned that his family was going to visit out of town relatives. He got very excited because he wanted to witness to his cousin so that his cousin could also go to heaven. Another little guy recently surprised his doctor when he was invited to listen to his own heart through the stethoscope. He listened for a moment and then he told the doctor that it sounded just like Jesus knocking on his heart's door. The doctor had little choice but to agree. That kid has been dressing up like a preacher for several years now and I have told my wife before that I notice he has a certain presence on his life. We also have a African American boy in our inner city Bible club who is also around 10 years old. That kid is a theologian in the making. He listens intently and when he speaks he does so with the voice of authority as he expounds on particular verses and their meaning. Uncanny? I don't think so, because God is still at work and one day these kiddos will be the ones who will be providing Bible talk to their generation and beyond.

I shared that so that we can pray for those coming up behind us. If the only answer to the sin problem is God's provision through the death, burial, and resurrection of His one and only Son, Jesus Christ, then we will need those willing to present that message to others. As we look at the pain, anguish, and pure evil that tends to dominate the news cycle each day, I know some who feel disheartened and are ready to throw in the towel, even those who are a part of the faith community. That's exactly how one of God's Prophet's felt one time. In fact, Elijah was so low he wished he could die. He thought he was all alone in his work and ministry for the Lord. God informed Elijah that He still had many who had not compromised their commitment to Him. (Read about it 1 Kings, Chapters 17-19) I mention those kids and I assure you there are many others like them because they will be the ones to carry on after we make our final journey home. Sad story? Absolutely not! That's how it has worked throughout history and it is God's plan in reaching the world with the message of His love. This should give us hope even in the midst of calamity. May God bless each one is my prayer. Amen.    ....More later.

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