Monday, July 2, 2012

Well how to you like that?

Hello and welcome to independence week here at the blogger ranch. It is Monday, July 2, 2012, and I thank you for joining me this morning. I was never a My Three Sons fan but it was on in our home on a fairly frequent basis. I more or less remember the characters from the show. Last week I read where Don Grady, the fellow who played the oldest brother, passed away. I remember that guy. He played Robbie Douglas and he's the one that got married and they had triplets, three sons, of course. But here's the kicker. He was 68 years old! Now wait just a cotton picking minute. No way. But that's how television works. We get the image of a person in mind and it sticks. I would have never guessed the young man who played that part could have been older than me. You live and learn. It would be great if it made me feel younger. It doesn't. It does, however, remind me that time is trucking on down the road, and I think I heard somewhere that it doesn't wait for anyone. Making use of the minutes we've been given each day to make a difference for good, to honor God, and to leave an example for our families, that is the challenge. I actually need help doing that. How about you? Amen.

The Obama-care law has, for the most part, been held as constitutional by the highest court in the land. However, it was not held as such based on how the legislation was presented for a vote in both houses of Congress. It was not held as such as to how the administration promoted it. It is constitutional under one and only one provision and that is that it be considered as a tax on the American people. As some have stated, this means it has not passed constitutional muster as an individual mandate underneath the commerce clause, but it is an addition to the tax burden we already bear. We are talking initially nearly 600 billion, but everyone agrees that it will be trillions of dollars over time. And, I believe the rhetoric to be true, given that it is now officially established as a tax, this means it will be the largest tax increase ever imposed since the creation of the universe. The Obama supporters are spinning it as a huge win and I can see why. He spent over two years on this single issue while the economy crumbled. Those two years have now been sanctioned by the court but as a tax on the American people. That's what we need right now? A huge tax required to cover 30 million people who currently do not have insurance? How the economy will ever recover given the magnitude of this tax increase is the question that must be answered. We have definitely come to the fork in the road and as Yogi would say, when that happens, take it.

And, it should be noted that the administration's lawyers did, in fact, include the taxing authority as one of their arguments but they did so only as a fail safe backup, they certainly never wanted the court to declare the individual mandate as a tax. We should have known. The original legislation did call for monies to be appropriated to the IRS for administrative and enforcement purposes. That should have been pretty much a preview of what the ultra sound later confirmed: Congratulations it's a TAX. Okay. Now that I have that out of my system, I will move on to other matters that might be of interest. I'm thinking. Give me a moment. I should insert an hourglass because it takes me a little time to get the adrenalin back into a normal range. Just joking. I guess I keep getting hung up on how that this particular law is called the Affordability Act. I suppose folks can name it that way when they are using our dollars. But, in all fairness, we've not had a whole lot better from those who supposedly flew the conservative flag. I know. I said I would refrain from commenting further. As you can tell these kinds of things barely even bother me...bother me....bother me! I think I need to send a memo to my gray cell family and call them together for a meeting of the mind, so to speak, or something like that. Until next time, remember, that when it is all said and done, God will have the final day. Amen.       .....More later.

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