Monday, July 23, 2012

These politicians are like we were when we were boys. They are looking for some good mud that will stick when it is thrown.

Monday has arrived and I am once again off to see the wizard, so to speak, as Dorothy told her traveling companions. For those still scratching your head, think: Wizard of Oz. It is Monday, July 23, 2012, another start to a beautiful week here in our work neighborhood. Some 50 years ago I worked my first job. It was for my uncle in Florida. Long days and hard work, six days per week in the summer of 1962. That's a long time to be in this labor business folks, and I'm thankful to still be counting. But I will let you in on a secret: Some days are more pleasant than others. And that's the truth brothers and sisters, that is the truth! On balance, I've had many many more good days than bad. However, that doesn't take away from some really bad ones. I still wince when I think about some of those that are so memorable because they officially exceeded the proverbial whatever can go wrong scenario. Those do stick with you. Again, I'll just be thankful that for the most part I have been blessed, and I can put a period behind that. I do not take it for granted and I do not take it lightly. Amen.

Okay. Don't say I didn't tell you. We do need to hold on to our hats because the blow back winds from the current political campaigns are going to give us all a bumpy ride. I read the other day where one campaign is accusing the other campaign of foul play. It seems they had used their opponent's own words in one of their ads. You know. Verbatim. I thought that to be pretty funny. It was one of those where he did say exactly what was in the ad but he meant something different. Therefore, the other side should not have used that exact quote. Now to me that is hilarious. "You cannot use my words against me. Why? Because it would not be fair. That's why." That was my imaginary quote but it did bring a chuckle in an otherwise very dismal and disheartening time for our nation. I suppose it's why some call it the silly season. My thought is more along the lines of it being the insanity season. But, as the song used to say, we've only just begun. I predict that before it's over we will all be playing old John Wayne movies just to avoid the paid political commercials.

You may have noticed that I didn't name any names. That was intentional because I am 100% certain that all of the above and more will be interchanged by both sides before it is all said and done. I know some of you think I am a cynic, and I could lean in that direction. But, in reality, I see no white horse ridden by a legitimate hero coming to save the day for us all. That doesn't mean I am down and out because I remember how that the Jewish people for the most part were looking for that kind of hero when Jesus of Nazareth showed up. Because He didn't fit their idea and He didn't do it the way they wanted it done, they rejected him. This means He was the answer then and He still is today. It also tells me that instead of joining the mudslinging brigade on either side, we who know the Lord God of heaven need to be on our knees praying for Him to intervene. I watched some of a lengthy interview the other day with former President George W. Bush. He said he felt comfortable with history taking care of what he did and didn't do during his time in office. He believes that when all the facts come to light people may still not like him or his decisions but they will be fully aware of why he made them in the way he did. I actually believe that will be how it works. As for the here and now, we who know the Lord can only do what we can do. Go out there every day and seek to live in a way that brings honor to our Lord and touches other people with His love. Amen.        .....More later.

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