Monday, July 16, 2012

I told you we had some water in our area.

It's Monday, July 16, 2012. Welcome. I know that many of you think I am very prone to exaggeration. Often that interpretation is very accurate. Typically, it is for comic effect. But when I was talking about how out of control the flooding was last Thursday, I was not kidding. The photo is from one of the entry points into the subdivision where we live. That's why I had to make a big drive around to get home Thursday evening. Thankfully, we are on high ground, and we have never experienced flooding from rising water, however, we did experience flooding one year when we had a pipe burst behind our fireplace. It did quite a lot of damage before we got the water turned off. I wanted to share that photo because in our area we have a group of volunteer firefighters that really do care. They went to work during those rains and performed a number of rescues right there in our area. I believe some 10 homes were flooded. I heard the testimony on the radio of a gentleman that lives a few streets down from us. He was very broken up. He said they had worked all their lives to have a nice home and nice things but now it was all ruined. My heart goes out to him and so many others, as well as my deep felt gratitude to those who put aside their other duties and braved the elements to help. A couple of those volunteers grew up in our Church. Seeing them at work in some photos was cause for me to thank God for them. Amen and Amen.

The molestation case at Penn State University is about as horrific as it gets. Joe Paterno is dead. He's the lucky one. Three other principals lost their jobs but I listened to those from the board of trustees and the one thing I didn't hear was anyone being held accountable. They knew about the investigations but did not provide any follow up. In other words they looked the other way while young children were being attacked. Why? They did not want the bad publicity. They did not want any financial ramifications. I would have thought they would have all resigned but they didn't. A sad situation my friend, a very sad situation. I also noted that the 2 billion dollar loss by the big bank J P Morgan Chase has now become a 5 billion dollar loss. It was thought to be a huge lapse of oversight and responsibility at 2 billion, but, the head of the bank is considered to be a rock star in the banking world, therefore, he gets to also keep his job. He's so influential he provides advice to our treasury department. Yes, folks, status and prestige as the world judges, counts, but, no amount of explanation can account for such wrong. In the Penn State case, the lives of dozens of children were ruined. In the case of the big bank, shareholders and fee payers will, in one way or another, have to essentially pay for the greed and avarice of those plotting their get rich quick schemes. Again, it is a sad situation my friend, a very sad situation.

Gutter. That's what they are already calling the political campaign for President of the United States. Gutter politics. President Obama came out of the Chicago approach to winning elections. That approach is similar to how the mafia operates. Eliminate your opponent. Do and say whatever it takes to destroy your adversary. That's the Chicago way. Check it out for yourself if you don't believe me. It is well known and well established. As for Mr. Romney, well, he has a past record of how folks with connections thrive. That typically is not anything new but in an election where emotions are running high, these types of business dealings offer opportunities for the Obama team to portray Mr. Romney as being completely disconnected from the reality of most folks in America. But, when you think about it, there has always been a disconnect from those who are mega wealthy contrasted to average Americans. I happen to see pretty lavish behavior going on with the President and his family since he took office. I don't begrudge him these perks that all presidents enjoy, however, I would also say that very few of his fellow citizens, many of which who are struggling, would ever even dream of the way travel, leisure, and consumption of tax payer resources are being pursued. Gutter. Yep. That's what we have and the forecast is for 100% chance of more of the same with it getting dirtier and dirtier as we get closer to November. That should give us all something to look forward. NOT! Meanwhile, let us thank God for His provisions and do our best to live as He would have us to. Amen.           .....More later.

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