Monday, February 28, 2011

Find what works best for you, then, get on with it!

Good Monday to one and all on this last day of February, the 28th in this the year of 2011. Next year is a leap year so we will have 29 days to get things done in this month. This weekend I ended up making the decision. To Facebook or not to Facebook, that was the question before me. I enjoy keeping up with all that is going on within our family, our network of Church folks, as well as friends who we do not see very often. I had been piggy backing onto my wife's Facebook. There is a function within Facebook that allows you to chat with your friends while you are online. When I was on my wife's page, often her network of friends and family would initiate a chat session. I typically would ignore their requests and a few times I admitted to impersonating my wife. They thought it was odd that I didn't just man up and get my own Facebook page. The reason I had not done so in the past was because while I greatly enjoyed keeping up with the latest news from folks, I really didn't want to deal with the overhead of maintaining and keeping up with my own page. BUT, that was yesterday's news, and as of this past Saturday I am now an official Facebook participant with over 100 friends and my wife's circle can now live in peace, chat to their heart's content, and generally not be bothered by the silent hacker.

We had a very busy Saturday and Sunday. We all do live busy lives. I am a very early morning person. Many are not. Many wonder why I come in to the office so early. Many wonder why I arrive at the Church property so early. Simply stated, it works for me. I think it is important to learn what works best. I've worked with people who couldn't get any gray cells to even concede a new day until after 9 a.m. That would be some 5 hours later than my start time. I do my blog when I first get to work. On Sunday mornings I help get everything going at our Church and I also have some quiet time to work through the lesson I will be teaching, one last time. Here's what I have learned. Many times and I do mean many, God uses that last review to give me something special for His people, those in my class. That may sound like a small thing to you but to me, it is huge. Bottom line, it works for me and I don't like to mess with anything that is working. You might have similar or better results doing it quite differently. Amen for that! My 'what works for me' along with my age is no doubt a factor as I continue this journey. I am becoming Paw Paw Mac in so many ways. When I get home I sit in the recliner, supposedly to catch the news, and within a couple of minutes I am snoring away. And, like my granddad, when I am awakened I immediately announce that I wasn't really sleeping, and the response is typically one of jeering and laughing. The other evening I asked for an independent opinion from our five year old grandson, Alexander Benjamin. He immediately made a pig snorting kind of noise and said, "Poppy, you sounded just like an old man and you were so loud." Cartoons. The things they teach our children. Sad. Don't you agree?

I was able to visit my younger brother yesterday over in Webster, Texas. As you know, he continues to work through a myriad of health challenges brought on by a massive heart attack last August. It's only by the grace of God that he is still alive. I thought it interesting that he was wearing his Marine t-shirt, because that status as a Marine defined so much of his life. His mental faculties are very cloudy but we usually find something to laugh about together. Yesterday I reminded him of how he loved to fish when he was a young boy. He would get home from school and go out in the field to dig him some earth worms. Then, he and his dog Lobo would head to Brushy Creek. Barefooted and with only the very basic fishing equipment, he would usually return with several good sized sun perch. I told him that little creek was so thick and entangled with varmints of all kinds, that I would have not even wanted to wear shoes there, much less go barefooted. He seemed to catch some of that and had a huge smile as I rehearsed those memories with him. Donald is receiving good care from his companion, Dotty. She has a huge responsibility and it is essentially one that takes up every minute of every hour, each and every day. He is still in need of medical care and attention. He still needs God's help in his recovery. Therefore, I ask you to mention his name as you pray. As one who spent 20 years serving our country, he does perk up some when you talk about his days in the Marine Corp. We thank God for him and his service and we thank everyone who has sought God and His help during this difficult time. I do send my best wishes to each one, that you will have a great work week, and that God will bless you as you go. Amen.             .....More later.

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