Thursday, February 17, 2011

Knowledge that counts for time and eternity is what we should be pursuing.

Hello out there in the blogosphere, I do hope you are well on this Thursday, February 17, 2011. "All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." That's the opening line from the famous book, 'Anna Karenina', written by Leo Tolstoy. It's supposedly one of the most often mentioned favorite opening lines that capture people's attention. I'm not exactly sure what the meaning is and while I may have read some from the book at one time, I can't really tell you how that sentence fits into the overall story. I was thinking about opening lines that reach out and grab me and without hesitation I thought about the very first words from God's Word, Genesis Chapter 1, Verse 1: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Clear, concise, and to the point, that verse sets up the foundation for our faith. Simply stated, we believe in God, we believe what He has said is truth. I've had so many over the years tell me that this acceptance of God at His word is not only illogical but it's also a blind leap into the dark. I couldn't disagree more but I also understand that without the illumination that comes from contact with God and His wooing Spirit, there's little doubt that we all would end up being skeptics. However, we not only have His preserved truth but we also have His abiding presence that actually confirms that we are His very own beloved child. Talk about opening lines! How's that for one that can change a person's life for time and eternity?

I've been called broad and shallow in terms of the depth of my knowledge. I was told once that I had more or less a Readers Digest condensed version of knowledge in how I make it up as I go along my way. I do know that I know a little about many different things and not so much about any particular thing. I suppose that's what those comments reflect. I guess I'm okay with that because I don't really know whether it's a compliment or a criticism, and perhaps my limited knowledge works in my favor, at least in this area. One of the great lessons in life is when we recognize what we don't know and feel comfortable in not trying to act like we do know it all. Many people believe me to be a Bible scholar. They actually call me that. I've read much from those that I consider to be great biblical scholars, and may I just say this about that, I'm not even on the introduction page, much less in the book, when it comes to my knowledge. However, I am glad to be able to respond to questions based on what I have learned over the years, and I am thankful to have that opportunity as people do from time to time ask. The late Dr. J. Vernon McGee is one of my favorite preachers. His Through The Bible radio program has been on the air since 1967. Today it continues to be broadcast all over the world in over 100 languages and men, women, boys, and girls are saved every single day as a result. Talk about the power of the Gospel, and, the faithfulness of this great man of God who I do consider to have been a genuine Bible scholar. Near the end of his life in 1988 at the age of 84 he said something that I will never forget. He mentioned that when he graduated from college and graduate school he thought he knew everything there was to know about the Bible. But he said he learned that even after 60 years of study, writing books, pastoring, preaching, and doing research, he came to realize that he had not even scratched the surface of the depth of the riches and bounty found in God's word. Guess what? Without even an inkling of his accomplishments, that's exactly what I have learned as well, therefore, we seek to share what God has given to us, not to try and impress with how much we might think we know. Amen.

Have you ever thought about how much is known about you? We used to say you can run but not hide and I'm not sure you can do either today. All I have to do is to open my email account each day and also look at my mail at night. It wasn't that long ago that I never had an ad for a hearing aid sent to me. Suddenly we are inundated. No more join the Navy see the world recruiting advertisements. No more invitations to be a part of the Peace Corps. But we do have weekly letters inviting us to retirement planning luncheons and some heralding discounts on everything from prescription drugs to walkers. It's enough to make you think you might be old whether you are or not. I used to use that phrase, you are only as old as you think, but nowadays since my thinking has been a little iffy here and there, I've decided to dwell more on the wisdom angle, if you get my drift. As you can tell, none of this bothers me, ....bothers me, ....bothers me. I will admit this. I do at times have to get hold of myself to be reminded that this is nothing more than what you can expect when you reach my age. Oh my. It's the age thing again. That's the part I have trouble with. I don't mind being nearly 65, I just can't seem to see myself in that category. I have no problem respecting others who are, but me? It's not as if they have the wrong person or wrong address. It's just that the fellow they are looking for hasn't come to grips with his real identity. Maybe that's it. I have been drugged, put into the witness protection program, and I am now passing myself off as an older dude. That actually makes some sense to me. Let me do some checking and I'll get back to you on that one. Until next time, may God bless each one. Amen.      ......More later.

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