Friday, February 4, 2011

Every Sunday is Super if you use it to honor our Great God!

Welcome to Friday, February 4, 2011 where we are experiencing the rare, but not totally unprecedented, presence of icy conditions. I was fully ready and more than willing to show up at work but our owner decided to favor safety first, therefore, I am sending this out from my home today. We all know that Superbowl Sunday is the preoccupation of most of America this week. A poll just released indicated that 78% of Americans are planning on watching. This poll also showed that more men look forward to this game than they do their anniversaries. That to me is a very sad commentary on our social condition here in our country. But, it is what it is, and I know the office betting pools are booming, the parties are being planned, and the game itself is expected to be one of the most bruising affairs ever. I also heard that each attendee is expected to spend a minimum average of $5,000 as a part of their Superbowl experience. I don't know if you need one of those scientific calculators to do the math but that's a whole lot of moolah any way you look at it. Add to that the advertising and broadcasting revenues along with the spending by the 78% who will be watching and you have yourself a mini-stimulus package, all by itself. The producers have done a great job over the years in hyping the commercials because I hear ladies often talking about how that watching the commercials is the only reason they watch the game. Only in America folks could you get people to watch a sporting event just so they can see the ads designed to sell them something. Is this a great country, or is this a weird but wonderful country, or what?

Another reason Sunday is an important date, other than the most important being the first day of the week when God's people gather to honor He who came, died, was resurrected and ascended back into heaven all for the purpose of saving lost men, women, boys, and girls, is that on February 6, 1911, Ronald Reagan was born. His life story is amazing because only in this country could someone grow up with his background and end up being one of our greatest presidents. As we pause to honor the 100th anniversary of his birth, we know that he is a polarizing figure in our nation. The mere mention of his name causes many to flash with anger and disdain while at the same time he is beloved and revered by others. Just so you know, I am 100% in the beloved and revered category. I say this fully realizing his frailties, missteps, and mistakes. To me, Ronald Reagan embodied all that makes a tear come to our eye when our national anthem is played. He represents a memory of all that is good about being an American. The media hated him with a passion while the heartland of America loved him with an even greater passion. If leaders are God ordained, and I believe they are, then I feel comfortable in saying thank God for arranging for Ronald Reagan to be our President. May God bless the memory of this good and decent man on this 100th anniversary. Amen.

This is the week that was, as they say. There's really no way to catalog all the discreet activities that make up our busy, busy lives. But there are enough of them to go around. I am sure you would agree. Time has become that illusive figment of our imagination in terms of getting more of it. I am glad when I hear my youngest son say he is going to spend time with his wife and kids, no matter what. Why? He says he doesn't want to wake up one day and look back on all that he missed out on. I know exactly what he's talking about and I applaud him for taking that approach. It involves work to make T-ball practice, or the volley ball game, or the recital, and any other host of activities that involve our children. For those of us who didn't do such a good job in learning that when it would have done the most good, we still have today and the rest of our time here that God provides to us. Time management is not just a business tool. It's been around as long as when God established time in the beginning. It's about making time for those things that are the most important. It requires effort and often hard choices but as they say we will never regret any time we chose to do what God would have us to do. Doing life His way requires that we do some time management and we need His help to make those wise choices. That's a fitting end to a busy week of buzzing around in the blogosphere. May God bless you all and I'll see you next time. Amen.             .....More later.

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