Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I feel so good because my free portrait only cost me $300!

It is Wednesday, February 2, 2011 and we are experiencing for us pretty much as cold as it gets, around 19 degrees this morning and with the wind chill we have a feels like of 5 degrees. My old fliver (the car) was very cranky about being cranked this morning. If he keeps acting that way I won't put a light under his hood again like I did last night. Yesterday I was sitting here at my desk when that cold front collided with the warm air and it was very rambunctious for at least a half hour or more. I first thought I heard the sound of a large truck but then realized as the limbs were flying around that it was the roar of the winter lion right outside my window. When I was out unlocking the shop buildings stuff was still rollicking and rolling. It reminded me of that time I rode out a hurricane in the high rise in the huge metro downtown. That storm caused many windows to be broken out, not necessarily from the wind, but from the debris flying around. I thought about how that just a few blocks from the building where I worked, a fellow, a lawyer tying to get home, crossed the street and was hit in the head by some metal object, killing him instantly. I couldn't tell if anything was going to become airborne here but it was making noises like it might be. I think we had 30 to 40 mile wind gusts but when it blew through, we were left with some much colder air, moving from the mid-sixties to the high thirties in about 90 minutes. I almost didn't bring my jacket but I ended up being very glad I did. Storms. They do come and thankfully they also pass. Storms of life. They also come and thankfully they too also pass.

I had thought about maybe abbreviating some of my daily blogs to make them shorter and a little less wordy. I thought about it, but in the end, blogging is about sharing and sharing is about putting yourself out there with your thoughts and opinions. If I were to write differently than how I actually think and talk, well, it might not end up being the long drawn out presentation that it is, and that would not reflect the real me. That is, if the real me does in fact come out anyway. I say that because most of us, not all, would just as soon not share all of our dirty laundry in public. But to the greatest extent possible I do try to reflect in my words plastered on the electronic page my genuine thoughts, ideas, and conclusions. I also desire to share insights that all too often have been gained by doing life the hard way which usually implies doing it my way instead of doing it God's way. You see. I can't even write about shortening my blogs without it being long winded. I can just see a particular English teacher writing notes all over my blog. What was Reba Jones' most common correction? Too wordy. She loved my work but thought it could be said in fewer words. Maybe I will do some thinking about that, and then again, maybe not. It is what it is and I have no problem in reminding everyone that you are always only one click away from being able to land on something more interesting.

We are doing portraits at the Church beginning today. The big portrait company will be there. The Church will be provided with a pictorial directory as a benefit for hosting the portrait sessions. Many of our folks are signed up to show up at different times for their family portraits. Ladies at our Church are doing much of the scheduling and preparation necessary to support this process. Each family will be entitled to a free 8x10 of their choice as a gift for coming for the photo session. This sounds wonderful. It's a good thing. Right? Why do men hate even the thought of it? Since I am one I will speak as one who has been there and done that before. Come home. Get ready. Wear a tie. Dress up. Get the kids ready. Show up. They are running late. The kids are unruly. Finally, it's your turn. There are many photos taken. They even want to take individual shots. The parents. The children. The family. When they finish you get to look at the different shots on the computer. They all look great. They all cost tons. Mom likes several. Dad only likes the 8x10 free one. You do end up buying several because you have been made to believe that history will be incomplete unless there's a photographic record to pass down. This is how it goes and this is why the process is tough on men. Knowing all of that does not make it better but it at least lays it out for all to see. Don't forget to bring your best smile! May God bless. Amen.          .....More later.

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