Friday, October 15, 2010

Waiting for it to thunder so this thing will turn loose of me!

Good to see you. Why don't we sit here on the porch, enjoy a hot cup of coffee, and talk for a few minutes? That, my friend, is not a bad way to start your day on this Friday, October 15, 2010. This week I've been trying to figure out why I'm dragging a little. You know what I mean. It's that feeling like your get up and go has got up and went. Maybe it's just a case of the blahs or it could be a combination platter made up of lethargy and age. No. It has not caused me to alter my schedule or cancel any activities but it does make each day seem a little on the long side. My wife, and all women in general, have a quick answer whenever you are not feeling 100%: Go to the doctor. I have reminded her more than once that I already have a doctor's appointment pending. The problem comes when I tell her it's not until December. Let's hope that by then I will have a new set of complaints to deal with and this week of dragging around will be filed under the "Let's not do that again" category. I believe she also mentioned that ragweed is exceptionally high right now and since I'm not even sure I know what ragweed is, I'll put this one on his tab. Sorry ragweed but someone has to take the rap. I looked up ragweed and it said it is best known for the pollen it produces that causes widespread allergies. That's not much to be known for but I do hope it doesn't hang on like a snapping turtle does because where I came from it was always said that once they bite they won't turn loose until it thunders.

The other day I heard a comedian on the radio talking about the crazy things that parents say to their children. I was trying to remember some of the ones I picked up and used, and ironically, some of them have been handed down to my boys because I've heard them say them also. "You had better straighten up and fly right." "Wipe that smile off your face." "Look at me when I'm talking." "Don't give me that look." "You want me to give you something to cry about?" "You've got the same clothes to get glad in." Much of my mom's stuff related to how that the six of us would get on her nerves. She, a young widow, had her hands full trying to work and take care of us rowdy kids. Often she would tell us that we would not be satisfied until we put her in Pineville. Pineville was where the state insane asylum was located. I still use that one today and no one gets it but it always gives me an opportunity to share a story. When we were crying my grandfather liked the one about how sad it would be if a sudden freeze came and froze our face. Obviously, they do not have to be scientifically sound or even plausible because they are intended to convey a message. You have to love, "You are crusin for a brusin." Somehow we and they survived and I suppose many will continue the legacy of lunacy as described in how it's not, with all due respect to the late Art Linkletter, always the kids who say the darndest things.

They tell us that over one billion people watched at least some of the live feed of those Chilean miners being rescued. One fellow who has gained some notoriety had to deal with the fact that both his wife and his girlfriend showed up for the welcome home celebration. The wife didn't know about the girlfriend but she does now. This was a wonderful example of people using technology and cooperation to save the lives of these men. There were folks from many different countries who participated in the rescue effort. One of the Chilean engineers said it was 75% science and 25% miracle. The world is filled up with lots of bad news and it goes 24 hours a day, however, people are clamoring for a good news story as seen in the worldwide response to this event. We who are believers are reminded that the word Gospel actually means 'good news'. It is good news because it tells about the love of God and His sending His Son to die for the sins of the world. This is the good news message needed to be heard and responded to by many of those one billion who watched the mine rescue. Good news for them and good news for us. And that's an excellent good news story to end the work week on as we anticipate our Saturday and Lord's Day Sunday. Amen. Until next time I will be thinking about thinking about something for Monday and I will do my best to straighten up that Slow Men Working sign until I can shed this draggy feeling. See you then!             .....More later.

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