Wednesday, October 13, 2010

It's Wednesday, the 13th, but don't be scared. Okay?

Here it is Wednesday already, October 13, 2010 and the week seems to be whirring by. Don't you love folks who study things out and provide us with information so we can discuss and speculate until the cows come home? I've often wondered about the 13th of the month and knowing how superstitious some folks are, what would it be like if it was some other day of the week that caused such alarm? Well, as it turns out, over a 400 year cycle the distribution of when the 13th falls on any particular week day is almost the same within a fraction, therefore, you don't have to become paranoid thinking that today, Wednesday, the 13th, would have given you more days to worry about black cats and all the other stuff that people obsess over. I did find out that the 13th will always fall on Friday when the month starts on a Sunday. I said I found that out, I didn't say I tested it to be accurate. That came from the mathematical people who study distributions and calendars and stuff like that. Sounds like a really interesting field of study, don't you think? Not for me but I am glad somebody chose to do it because otherwise I would be writing about something else, maybe even less interesting than this subject. You say that's hard to imagine, well, I will tell you that some days finding something really good is about as scarce as hen's teeth. Just so you know, according to the phrase scarce as hen's teeth originated in the 1800's and since hen have no teeth it is used to indicate something to be so scarce as to be practically non-existent. You say you could have figured that out on your on? It would not have surprised me to hear that hen actually do have teeth especially after I saw them with teeth in that animated movie Chicken Run.

You know you are really bored when you actually tune in to political debates from races that are in a state that you do not live in. But, I plead guilty because there's something about folks going at it that helps frame the issues that will shape the upcoming political environment that we all will live in. The President has switched to the Campaigner in Chief mode and he is out there trying to rekindle the fire and stir up the troops that voted him into office in 2008. He is good at campaigning. For those of us who do not like his policies, we might wish he was as good at finding a more balanced approach to his agenda. Even his most ardent supporters are beginning to wonder about his legacy. There's a current article in Time Magazine that voices concern about whether he is really in over his head as President. This comes from folks who usually are falling all over themselves to say only good things about the President. I wrote about that Presidential seal falling off the lectern when he was speaking the other day. His response was very telling. I thought it would have been a great opportunity for him to tell a self deprecating joke but instead he said something about how that it shouldn't be a problem since he thought that everyone knew who he was. See what I mean? Sure, every person who reaches the highest position in our country would have to feel somewhat full of themselves, but, to me, I've not seen anyone lately that exudes such a "it's all about me, all the time" attitude more than our current President. While we might laugh at President Clinton's "I feel your pain" approach, it certainly seems better than a demonstrated attitude of lordship and entitlement that is so much a part of our current first family.

It might be a good time to remind you that the views expressed in this blog do not constitute an endorsement by the people who read this blog, or something like that. I actually don't have a problem with people who disagree with me, even about the vote they cast for our current President. I can understand why people in the black community overwhelmingly support the first African American to become President of the United States. A recent national poll showed this to be exactly the case. Over 90% of blacks approve of President Obama's performance in office while less than 30% of whites agree. At first glance one could easily agree with those who say so much for the fellow who promised to heal the racial divide, but I do know it goes much deeper than this. The folks in the black community believe that he is being unfairly treated because of the color of his skin. They believe this to be the case because they, in their own heart and mind, believe they have lived that very same thing in their own lives. They are quick to point out the failings of his white predecessors and how to them he is getting a raw deal when it comes to criticism. I support their right to see it that way. And, I also think it important for us all to seriously consider their concerns. At the same time, I also have a right to see it the way I see it. Obviously, I have not lived my life through the lens through which they see things, but I have a right to evaluate, determine, and conclude my support or lack of support based on my beliefs, values, and what I hold to be dear. That's what elections are about and that's why we all need, red, yellow, brown, black, and white, to seek God and His direction for our nation, and for our families, and for us as individuals, each and every day. Amen.                ......More later.

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