Friday, October 8, 2010

Let's hope we never do something that goes viral on YouTube!

Update on my brother, Donald: He continues to make improvements in his alertness and his awareness of his surroundings. The doctors tell us that his heart has done pretty well throughout this ordeal but he will eventually have to deal with the need for surgery when he is able. He has come a long way in the past two weeks and we are thankful to God for these improvements. Thanks to so many who ask about his status and pray for him each day. We continue to desire God's will and His best for Donald.

Okay. It is Friday and you did make it, so give yourself a pat on the back, and take a few minutes to catch your breath and relax on this October 8, 2010. Talk about having a bad day, I suppose when you are up on the podium speaking and the presidential logo falls off the lectern, well, if you are President Obama, you must begin to wonder if this wasn't a sign. For those of us who disagree with his policies, we certainly thought it was symbolic because it might reflect on what we hope will be a falling off of the wheels on some of these programs he has instituted. Most folks who criticize the President's policies are called racists by those who support him. If you are black and you disagree with this administration's vision then you are branded a traitor. Believe me, there's plenty of name calling to go around! I am very much aware there are no doubt plenty out there who do not like the President because of the color of his skin. That's not me. I actually voted for Dr. Alan Keyes, a black man, a true conservative, when he ran for the office. Most people thought my vote to have been null and void because he didn't have a chance of winning. But it wasn't null and void to me. He was, in my opinion, the candidate that best mirrored my values, hopes, and aspirations for our nation, therefore, I voted my conscience and that my friend is what makes America the land of the free and the home of the brave.

That clip of the presidential seal falling off during the President's speech is captured and available for all to view out on the internet. While that is part of the good news, bad news story of how instant information flows in our modern technology driven world, I will tell you that I am glad that most of my mishaps remain known only to me and a few others. There was an entire industry of ridicule built up around the mispronunciations of words or the use of the wrong word by former President George W. Bush. Television can be so bad these days that we often find ourselves watching reruns of America's Funniest Videos. We certainly enjoy seeing the embarrassing moments of others but may not be so inclined to laugh out loud at our own foibles. However, part of maturing in life is learning to laugh at ourselves. I just wish I didn't give myself so much material to work with and with age it seems to be increasing. I can remember back in the day when I worked as a part of the corporate world how that most folks obsessed over how they came across, paying a lot of attention to avoiding any embarrassing situations, and in general, trying always to put their best foot forward. Guess what? You can fret and fuss all you want but stuff happens my friend and when we are all so up tight all the time, it actually only amplifies it when it does. I've seen people who were the personification of professionalism reduced to tears by something as simple as a screen malfunction or their chair tipping over. The sooner we all learn to laugh, it is the sooner we become better equipped to handle life in a gaffe prone world. And, just so you know, it's always funnier when it's the other fellow, right?

Those embarrassing moments are typically indelibly etched in our memory. I know I can remember some all the way back to when I was just a youngster. That's why it's so important for us to come to grips with the fact that we all are capable of messing up because we all carry with us the same humanity. I talk with folks who are believers but they have failed to appreciate what that means to their everyday life. One of our enemy's greatest weapons is to have us live beneath our true status as a believer in Christ. I'm talking truth here not some gimmick of psychological self talk. If you have trusted Christ as your Savior then you are who God says you are and He says that you are His own beloved child. He says that He will never leave you nor will He ever forsake you. In fact, He tells us that nothing can separate us from His love. Now some folks take this identity and try to merchandise it by adding  health, wealth, and prosperity to the equation. Sadly, this has misled so many. Again, what does the truth say about who we really are in Christ? Truth tells us that even in the worst of circumstances, even those that might lead to our death, we, as a child of God are still victorious, in fact, He tells us that we are more than conquerors! A good place to read quite a bit about this identity truth is found in Romans Chapter 8. We need to know the truth. Jesus said that knowing the truth will set one free. Free. Yes, free, even from our embarrassing moments, because we know who we really are! Amen. That's a good way to end a busy work week and prepare for Saturday and Lord's Day Sunday. Until next time I join with Roy and Dale in these parting words: "Happy trails to you, until we meet again. Happy trails to you, keep smilin' until then. Who cares about the clouds when we're together? Just sing a song and bring the sunny weather. Happy trails to you, 'till we meet again."            .......More later.

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