Thursday, September 30, 2010

Go Brady Go!

Brady at bat!
When it is the last day of the month, Thursday, September 30, 2010, and as I sit around playing spin the wheel with my gray cells, and suddenly I remember from the old Ted Mack Amateur Hour, that where it stops no one knows, but today it landed on a subject I always have an abundance to write about because it's filled up with stuff about my family, my children, grandchildren, and my great granddaughter. This week I have been forth and back a few times with our youngest son, Rodney, talking about his little shadow, Brady. Brady is the baby boy and only little boy in their family, four years old and he is a remarkable little dude. Rambunctious? Check. Boisterous? Check. Funny as all get out? Check. Stubborn? Check. Like father, like son? Check. Like grandfather, like grandson? Maybe. A Sweetheart? You betcha! We still call him Bray-Bray even knowing that this nickname has mostly run its course. Sometimes when I am talking to Rodney I keep thinking about all the times I either overreacted or mishandled stuff when he was a kid. I always tell Rodney that one of the main things to remember is that Brady is only 4 years old. Monday night they started T-Ball. There were some concerns that Brady might just like to be a designated hitter only, a position they don't have, because whacking the ball is what he really enjoys. But, as it turns out, he got into the flow of things and pretty soon found that when he fielded and threw the ball that was pretty neat also. One thing about Brady you have to love. Whatever he does, whether it is him being Spiderman or The Hulk, or him swimming, or doing other activities, if it is something he enjoys, he shows up with his 100%, every time, period, end of story. Go Brady Go!

Brady the Builder!
As they grow older it's not that I don't have a lot to say about them, it's mostly that I no longer understand them. It's just when they get to that teenager stage, well, all bets are off, as they begin that awkward phase of their lives. I'm thankful that I still have a great connection to Jimmy Jr. who will be 14 in December. The girls when they start all that girl talk stuff pretty much begin to leave their Poppy as they migrate more and more to their MiMi. When we look over our large group we see God's hand of blessing on our heritage. We see potential. We see talent. We see the next generation that we desire to pass down the faith we hold and that was also held by our parents, and their parents. We have all ages thrown into the mix, therefore, it's always exciting to be around our gatherings. Some are talking college. Others are texting like there's no tomorrow. The little ones are chasing each other up and down the stairs. You might hear about the upcoming next release of Halo the combat game, or you can still hear some Barbie stories as well. One or two are likely looking at their watches because they are due to meet friends at the movies or some other planned activity. Chaotic? Yes, but in a most terrific way! Conversations going ninety to nothing all around and computer screens flashing while Phineas and Ferb do their thing on TV, but somewhere in all of this is that place of connection, that place we call home, it's our family, and we thank God for each and everyone! Amen.

Brady the cowboy!
I do my best to pray for every single one of them each and every day, along with their parents as well. Believe me folks we all stand in need of prayer as we seek to make our way through this life. There's power in prayer. I remember the testimony of my grandparents. My granddad was a deacon in the local fellowship where I grew up. He was a man whose word was his bond. He was faithful in his duties to the members. He was one of those you would always see in his place each time the services were held. I know. I tagged along with him many many times. My grandmother used to pray that all of her children would be faithful to the Lord and faithful in serving in a local Church. It is my belief that my grandfather's example along with my grandmother's prayer saw that very prayer answered. My granddad did not live to see all of them back in Church but my grandmother did! God is good folks and He can always be counted on to hear and answer our prayers. We pray for all these that God has blessed us with, we do pray for their physical well being and that they will be able to prosper in their chosen career fields. But more than anything else, we pray for their spiritual life because we know this is an eternal matter with eternal rewards. Sure, I am aware of the anguished look people have when folks begin talking to them about their grandchildren. However, my observation is that it typically doesn't do too much to curtail the sharing. As you can see, our little Brady wears many hats, and we are thankful to God for him. Amen. Go Brady Go!          ......More later.

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