Monday, September 27, 2010

Do we deserve the best government money can buy?

Nothing like a good cup of that strong brewed java to get your day started. Even the little kids have picked up on the hopes and dreams of us all for a few breaths of fresh air. Folks from other parts of our country must think us all to be rather silly as we obsess over something as incidental as the first real cold front of the fall. On the other hand, there are some who are already breaking out their sweaters and jackets. They remind me of what my grandfather used to ask me when I was shivering on the deer stand, "Son, what are you going to do when it really gets cold?" But we find ourselves here and it's Monday, September 27, 2010, and I bid you a warm welcome into the 'slow men working' zone of my thoughts and ideas. I read the other day about the lady running for Governor of California having already spent $100 million dollars of her own money on her campaign. Now that's wanting to serve really bad, don't you think? And, things are continuing to heat up with less than 40 days until the election, therefore, I am certain she as well as all the others will be spending like there's no tomorrow between now and then. Part of the spending will be directed to trying to convince voters that these mega wealthy candidates are really, at heart, just like the rest of us. I don't begrudge folks of the success they have achieved but let's face it, many, if not most of these people have little in common with the average bloke that gets up every day and struggles just to make it. But as they say, this is America, and we are entitled to best government money can buy.

No. I didn't get up on the wrong side of the bed and no, I am not wearing my cynical cap today. The political climate in our country at the moment would try the patience of Job, as they say back home. There are some very good groups who independently check out the claims made in political ads and speeches for all candidates. There's one in particular that I like and it rates eye catching statements based on their truthfulness. They use true, half-true, false, and pants on fire, to designate the veracity or lack thereof in all the campaign fodder that's flying everywhere around us. The President is not immune from these fact checking efforts. One of the things often said is how he has never quit the campaign to be President but continues to run instead of becoming the leader and statesman we need at this time in our history. Many of his statements end up not passing the smell test because of facts conveniently left out or using word games that end up with something other than a true representation of the situation. This is why in general people sour on our political system. One of the things I hear often from the President's supporters when he is challenged has to do with him not being any worse than some other noted President whose words were often deemed to be misleading. That's a pretty sad commentary on where we have been, where we are, and for the most part, unless the Lord intervenes, where we will be, pretty much regardless of who it is that occupies the Oval Office.

I know. There are many out there chomping at the bit to land someone new into that great office. They believe if only this or that person can become our leader then things will change for the better. While I agree that a change is needed and because of philosophical differences I would support someone other than our current President, this does not mean the system itself will change, and folks, it is a thoroughly corrupt system at this time. Don't get me wrong. I thank God for our country. I thank God for the good He has allowed us to do here at home and abroad. I thank God for the values that still hang by a thread that differentiates us from most of the world. But I also take seriously the fact that God has been clear in no uncertain terms that nations that fail to embrace Him are destined to fail. We are living at a time when America is fast becoming a nation that has turned her back on the God who providentially brought her into existence. It can be seen in every aspect of our society. This is not just my opinion. Many great Bible teachers have observed how our country has met each of the categorical denials of God as listed by the Apostle Paul in Romans Chapter 1. What can be done? Is it hopeless? I don't think so. But we do need revival in the land. We need revival for ourselves because a return to God is not for the other guy, it begins with you and me. No. I will not run and hide and I will continue to participate in the process because that is our God ordained duty. At the same time, I will seek God on behalf of our nation that He might stir us once again to follow Him, and that we will return to being that great light to the world emanating from that great city set high on a hill. May God bless America and may God bless you and yours. Amen.                   .....More later.

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