Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What do you think? A picture should be worth at least ten words in this economy!

I believe our new president is on the fast track for learning new things and I want to consider a few of them on this Tuesday, February 10, 2009. Learning quickly shouldn't be that difficult because he is a very bright man with a supposed stratospheric IQ even though no one seems to know what it might be. One lesson learned would be to never announce how you are going to enforce the highest ethical standards for anyone and everyone associated with your administration, only to have stuff immediately flying all over the place that prove just the opposite. Another might be to never allow the House democrats a blank page when it comes to putting together a spending bill. He generally stated some very lofty goals and Nancy and her team immediately piled on the pork to the extent that the American people had to say: “Enough is enough”. He may also have figured out that extending an olive branch to a madman leader in Iran might not be the best policy when that person responds with a demand that you get down on your knees and ask forgiveness before he will have a dialogue with you. Oops! Many say it takes more than a handful of days to get everything sorted out and working but we were not the ones who groaned on and on for weeks about how they were ready day one to not only hit the ground running but to do so with dazzling effectiveness and efficiency. You may be one of those still dizzy from loitering around that huge smelly pile of rhetoric but the results or facts will typically always have the last say.
There’s little doubt he will get the big spending bill he is currently fear mongering through congress. I thought he ran on promising not to operate his administration by using scare tactics. He already has found several new avenues that will add more funding for killing additional babies and all were made operable with only the stroke of his pen. As he has made it clear, he won the election; therefore, he gets his way. Presently, this continues to work and will work until it doesn’t work and when it quits working it will be time to bring forth his report card for review by the American people. So far, he continues to be very popular (65%) and that’s always a major factor as one seeks to get their agenda dealt with on the front burner. However, his numbers, while high, are not nearly as high as they were, and they could continue to take hits as people learn more and more about some of his paybacks being paid off in the form of appointments being doled out and in his issuance of executive orders. This legislating with the pen was one of the major complaints against President George W. Bush by the folks that now show up at the signing ceremonies to lavishly praise his successor who is doing the exact same thing. Go figure. Warning: Watching politics may not be suitable for younger viewers!

Now some might think I to be someone who just sits around tying to find reasons to criticize our new president. While it is true that I have very pointed disagreements with his philosophy and his plans, I do hope that being critical just for the fun of it is not what I am trying to do. I am aware there are some who provide their steady stream of critical comments because that is how they make their living. Talk radio is filled with these types of high paid guns. Often their information is not accurate or fair but many who call themselves red state patriots will continue to believe even the absurd long after being shown the facts. I have no time for that kind of foolishness but rather think we all would do well to weigh the impact that some of these new initiatives will have, not only for us, but for generations to come. What kind of America do we want to have? What kind of values do we want to see emphasized? Take those and then use them to compare the actions, deeds, and plans being pursued by the new administration. For me, there’s a huge disconnect and while I poke fun at some of the obvious examples of this, it really is not a laughing matter. Let's all do our best to have a really great day and realize that God is America’s only hope and when we return to Him, now that’s change we can believe in! Amen. ....More later.

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