Friday, February 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Rodney!

On this calendar day but actually then it was on a Saturday morning some thirty eight years ago we welcomed our youngest into our young family. He joined his mom and I along with two older brothers. That’s what I am thinking about on this Friday, February 27, 2009. Rodney came on the scene and began quickly to make a scene wherever he happened to be. He was always the ‘live wire’ in our family. He has the personality and tools to pretty much talk to and become liked by almost anyone, anywhere, at anytime. That set of innate people skills had to come from his mom! That gift has served him well in his profession as he daily deals directly with a huge cast of customers, co-workers, vendors, and project leaders.

Even as a tiny tot, he was our designated boy singer in our family singing group and often stood on the piano stool behind his mom as he belted out his solo. Today he has a family of little ‘Rodneys’ who reflect many of his God given talents and abilities. While he is and will always be a ‘one of a kind’, he can be sure that his kids will carry on many of his traits. Today he does his best to lead his family in the ways of God. This more than anything makes his mom and dad feel blessed. He has a wonderful wife and they make an excellent team as they pour themselves into the growth and development of their kids.

Happy Birthday Rodney. We thank God for you and wish you a most wonderful time on this, your special day. May God bless you and yours. Amen. Love, mom and dad. ….More later.

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