Monday, February 16, 2009

Paying tribute to Washington, Lincoln, and ........

Happy President’s Day, on this Monday, February 16, 2009. I mentioned to my eldest son last night that with schools, banks, and government offices being closed today for the holiday he should have an easier commute across the metroplex. He said he would take any help he could get. I suppose those who do get the day off have a different view of what the day might bring. They likely have been formulating a three-day weekend plan for some time now. For the rest of us, we walk out to the mailbox only to be reminded that there’s no mail delivery today. I don’t have a problem with honoring our presidents because God’s leadership model calls for someone to be the leader by example and in their deeds. We’ve had some great presidents and we’ve had some that were not so great. We’ve had some that had tumultuous times in office and others that served during peaceful and tranquil times.

Polls of historians and other scholars to rank presidents come up with the usual names. Washington, Lincoln, and Franklin Roosevelt are typically the most often mentioned in the top three. Lincoln actually holds the number one position in more scholarly polls than the others, with Washington second, and Roosevelt third. These men served during the founding of our nation, the civil war in our nation, and during the time of great challenge called WWII. Jefferson is typically in the next grouping along with Theodore Roosevelt. The top ten also reflects men like James Madison, Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, and John F. Kennedy. You can go and see those ranked in the middle and those typically holding down the less well thought of status but in the end, we find that these men are just that, men, some given more challenge than others, and to those who responded to that challenge in a noteworthy manner, they receive the gratitude of a grateful nation.

I’m not sure that ranking presidents is a worthwhile effort. However, we do know that what we, like them, do have an impact on others, therefore, the actions of the man holding the highest office in our land has had an impact on us all. God also holds us accountable, not so we can make a list of being popular, but so that we can influence those in our families, our workplaces, and our sphere of contact, for sharing truth, and living out an example that is pleasing to Him and of value to others. One of the admonitions found in God’s Word tells us to pray for those who are in authority over us. This means you and I, as believers, have a sacred duty to pray for our current president, Barak Obama. Join me today in saying a prayer of thanksgiving for those who have served in this great office and in praying for our current president that God will guide his time in office. Have a great day and may God bless. Amen. ….More later.

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