Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Psalm 32:12 "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord..."

Good morning to one and all on this Tuesday, February 17, 2009. We are dealing with many issues as a nation and it appears the secularists are gaining ground. The Gallup organization just completed a comprehensive polling to evaluate religion and it’s influence in America today. One good thing that came out of the polling was the clear indication that a ‘Bible Belt’ does really exist. This reflects areas of our country where people state emphatically that God, religion, and the Bible are a very active part of their daily living. I suppose the good news is that taken as a whole, the entire country still votes God as being a great influence by a 65% margin. However, this is somewhat misleading as more and more of the balance is shifting from states that are high versus a growing number of states that continue to decline.

Not surprisingly, the New England states continue a decline that brings them into the low forties in terms of percentage of people who view religion as playing a major role in their lives. The current administration reflects a thoroughly humanistic view of the world. This worldview may give lip service to spiritual themes but the policies being advocated are typically in direct opposition to what the Bible clearly teaches. Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, and Massachusetts scored the lowest and one need only think about those in the Congress representing these states and how their causes, votes, and direction reflects the liberal, secular, humanistic worldview.

Does it matter? I would say it matters much. Just over two thirds see religion as losing its influence in the life of our nation. In 2002 that number was less than one third. I am thankful to live in a state tied for the 10th position with 74% affirming God as a major influence in our lives. However, I fear for our nation and our children as we see more and more giving up on faith in God in turning to what this world and its system offers. God has made it very clear in His word. As we as a people fail to recognize Him, seek Him, and live based on our faith in Him, we do so at our own peril. The highest number in the poll was Mississippi with 85% of those living there indicating their belief in God as being a major influence in their lives each day. Many see Mississippi as being backwards in many ways but God is pleased and sees them at the very top using His evaluation method because they have chosen to openly honor Him. I will be doing what I can to help close that eleven point gap between my state and their state because it matters, not only for now, but for all of time and ETERNITY. May God help heal our land continues to be my prayer. Amen. …More later.

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