Friday, January 30, 2009

We never know what a day might bring forth.

It is Friday, January 30, 2009. Yesterday we received news that my mom is down with pneumonia. She is 84 years young and has had difficulties with this particular ailment over the years. We are praying that God will help her. We also had a very unexpected development in the recovery of our dear Brother Milton. Yesterday morning he was experiencing some continued pain to the extent they moved him from the rehab center to the emergency room. While there some blood clots broke loose and lodged in his lungs. He is now in the same ICU room he was in when first admitted to the hospital and is considered to be extremely critical because they have discovered that he has multiple blood clots in different parts of his body. His eyesight has also been impacted and they are not sure exactly why this has happened. He was doing so well. He was talking about finishing his rehab and coming to our house for a few days and then being able to make his way back home. We are quite naturally distressed over this unexpected development. His immediate family are both stunned and distraught, however, we all are looking to God for my mom and for our Brother Milton.

We are not immune from having difficulties, pain, or sorrow. It can come to any of us at any time. One thing I told Brother Milton's dear wife is that she could count on the fact that the same God who was at work before this new development is the same God who is at work in this situation. When we come to the end of our way and we hit the wall of human capability and human understanding, we find that God is our only answer, our only hope, and our only help. We can't make sense out of all of this and how it has come to where we find ourselves but we have confidence that whatever the outcome, God is still God, and He is at work in accomplishing His purpose in all these things. I am very concerned for my mom but I am also very thankful to God for her and the years He has given to us all through her and her testimony. I am concerned for Brother Milton's health and recovery but at the same time I thank God for his life of ministry and service on behalf of the Lord he loves. In spite of these challenges we remain blessed beyond measure because our God has been with us, is now with us, and will never leave or forsake us as we continue our journey here. Easy? Never. But like Job of old we make the choice to worship and praise Him for His goodness, mercy, and grace that He gives in our time of need. Please pray for these requests that God's perfect will would be done! Amen. ....more later.

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