Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Let the games begin!

Do you hear that? That click clacking is the sound of teeth chattering on this cold morning as we find ourselves up and going on Wednesday, January 14, 2009. They tell us that while it is in the upper 20's this morning, it may be even colder Friday and Saturday. It really is a beautiful morning. The air is cold, crisp, and the stars are putting on a brilliant light show. I don't know about you but when I look up and see such a vast array of stars strewn together, it reminds me of our Creator God who spoke and it all came into existence. I picked up bits and pieces of some of the new administration's confirmation hearings yesterday. Senator Clinton has coined a new phrase. She is going to employ "Smart power" in her efforts to pursue her work as our new Secretary of State. The gentleman who is being fast tracked for heading up treasury didn't pay his income taxes for several years and he also employed an undocumented worker. Talk about your double standards! Thus far, everyone is falling all over themselves in trying to excuse these lapses on behalf of these chosen ones and in this case the one who will be responsible for making sure you and I pay our taxes. In Senator Clinton's case it hardly seems worth mentioning that she will be dealing with foreign governments that contributed millions to her husband's library and other endeavors. Oh well, there you go again, trying to stir up trouble!

I just can't understand those who don't enjoy watching these carnival like shows as they are paraded before us. I do know this. Our sitting president would not have had too many trying to excuse these types of issues in those he nominated to serve. This last election uncovered once and for all the most poorly hidden secret of all time. There's a double standard in this country and for the most part any and all who try to stand up for truth, any truth, but especially truth as God would have us to, will be tarred and feathered by the mainstream media. It became so clear during the election that most media outlets were in the tank for Mr. Obama, so much so that they even had to admit it was so. This means that any candidate who does not fit into their idea or values will have to not only beat his or her opponent but will have to also overcome this huge influence on people's perceptions and ideas. Now that the issue of objectivity is out of the closet in that it has really never existed, we will no doubt be treated to more and more of the same, as hard news stories will not be followed that will connect any dots that do not lead to a particular set of ideological outcomes. God is still in ultimate control but He has in the past and may give us what we deserve and that is one of my greatest concerns for our nation and especially our children, grandchildren, and those who will follow.

Some who read my blog may be tempted to just tune out. Or, you may have never even tuned in! Whatever the case, you may not be a political junkie like I am but you should be aware and concerned because these are no small matters and they do have an impact, both now and in particular, huge consequences going forward. I have said all along that I respect the symbolism behind this unprecedented inauguration. African Americans have every right to be proud that they will witness something thought to be impossible. All Americans should be thankful that we live in a country where something of this magnitude can happen. However, at the end of the day, (which I understand the experts are saying is a phrase that people should quit using), hope is not real hope if it is based on bias and hype. Therefore, while I may be a spectator of these events unfolding before our eyes and I may tease about them from time to time, let's be very clear that elections matter, policies implemented matter, and consequences will follow. That's why you and I as believers need more than ever to pursue the admonitions given by the Apostle Paul in Romans Chapter 13. It is this Chapter that tells us to honor our government, pray for our leaders, and obey the laws of our nation. We do this as a testimony to our faith in our God as we continue to seek His help both now and in the future. Okay, so I waxed a little reflective today and sprayed around quite a few discombobulated thoughts, but, I do pray that you will take those that make sense and join me in seeking God as our only hope. Amen. ....More later.

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