Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Even in a time of historical significance, we still need God!

It's Tuesday, December 13, 2009 and this brand new year seems to be moving right along. I may be one of only a few who watched President Bush's last official White House press conference. I was struck by a number of things as I watched him deal with the salvos coming at him about everything that has happened over the past eight years during his administration. First, as always, he strikes me as being much more on top of the facts, much more informed, and much more aware of many of the issues that often he is portrayed to either not know or not be interested in. No doubt he had prepared for this press conference. He likely knew many of the topics that would come up. However, he tended to ramble from thought to thought in a very cogent and clear manner that in many respects made much sense to me. Secondly, he made it clear that he was not going to agree with the loud voices that he and his administration had been a huge failure. He then talked about the rigors of the job as president and how he had worked everyday to protect the American people. He talked about the successes and the areas that didn't go well on his watch. He was forthright, open, and very articulate. That's right. Articulate. Something you will not hear almost any of the mainstream press give him any credit for being. Finally, he came across as the man I believe him to be. One who has a sense of purpose, one who has made decisions based on his gut informed by the best information he could get at the time, and one who does reflect a solid faith in God, a love for family, and a love for America. May God bless President George W. Bush and may we all withhold judgment until the jury of history reports their verdict on his time in office.

Now it is President elect Obama's turn. We as God's people are called to pray for those in authority over us. He will be the President of our United States and I will pray for him. I pray that America will turn back to the God who has blessed us and brought us to where we are today. I have a little buddy in our inner city Bible club named Kiiami. Every week he wants me to pray with him. Last week he wanted me to pray with him because he had been tempted to take something that did not belong to him. He didn't take it but he almost did, therefore, he wanted to pray that God would help him to not have the urge to do something like that. Then he asked that I pray with him for our new president. He is an eleven year old African American boy who is concerned enough about the new president that he wants God to guide the new president, to direct him and even to keep him from steering our country in the wrong direction. Talk about the teacher being taught by the student! To see God's Spirit convict this young heart about something he almost did wrong and then hearing his confession of his need for help was inspiring to me. His sensitivity to where our help needs to come from for our President and our country was also refreshing but humbling at the same time. Why? Because so many of us give very little thought to this type of heart searching and gut wrenching concern that should also drive us to our knees.

Our current president will soon be gone but God is still the answer to our needs. Our new president will soon be sworn in but God is still the answer to our needs. We are prone to not do what God would have us to do but God is still the answer in helping us to be motivated to do those 'good' things he has called us to do. We are prone to do things that are wrong, hurtful, devious, and outright sinful but God is still the answer to our seeking to live in a way that is pleasing in His sight. These are somber times for so many as our nation navigates through some stormy seas. Many will come forth with what they believe to be brilliant solutions to the vast array of challenges we face. Our Bible tells us that true wisdom comes only from knowing God and fearing Him. That means we hold Him in such awestruck high esteem because He alone is worthy of our praise, worship, and adoration. When our nation returns to this awareness and seeks direction from the One who is the Creator of all things, then we will see His blessings return and great things accomplished for His honor and glory. May we all find ourselves being taught today by a little guy named Kiiami who would have each of us praying that God will direct and guide our new President! Thanks Kiiami and may God bless America! Amen. ....More later.

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