Wednesday, September 16, 2020

"You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea." ~ Book of Micah, Chapter 7, Verse 19

Made it to another mid-week visit emanating from here at the ole blogger ranch. This particular missive arrives on this day, Wednesday, September 16, 2020. Regrets. We all have them. I wish I would have, I could have, I should have, I shouldn't have, and it goes on and on. There are not always do-overs available. The problem with regrets is while they tend to always be there to torment you, what happened cannot be changed. The only change that can be made is the one you make going forward. Regrets are like great embarrassments in how they are indelibly written upon our innermost thoughts, therefore, they can manipulate our ability to make progress or in many ways, hamper our efforts to function as we should. The Evil One is a master at accusing and reminding us of our failures. And, while we bask in the understanding of our forgiveness and restoration from the Lord Himself, those regrets and failures continue to plague our steps. I am reminded of that passage where the Apostle Peter talks about true believers who get off track to the extent they lose contact with the reality of their identity in Christ, "For he who lacks these qualities is blind or short-sighted, having forgotten his purification from his former sins." (2 Peter 1:9) That is a pretty scary thought, but, obviously, it is the truth since all Scripture is breathed out by God Himself. (2 Timothy 3:16-17) I thought of this old song that reminds us of God's power to forgive.

My Sins Are Gone

By: N. B. Vandall (As performed by the Gaithers)

You ask me why I'm happy so I'll just tell you why,

Because my sins are gone;

And when I meet the scoffers who ask me where they are,

I say, "My sins are gone."

They're underneath the blood on the cross of Calvary,

As far removed as darkness is from dawn;

In the sea of God's forgetfulness, that's good enough for me,

Praise God, my sins are gone!

'Twas at the old-time altar where God came in my heart,

And now my sins are gone;

The Lord took full possession, the devil did depart,

I'm glad my sins are gone!

They're underneath the blood on the cross of Calvary,

As far removed as darkness is from dawn;

In the sea of God's forgetfulness, that's good enough for me,

Praise God, my sins are gone!

When Satan comes to tempt me and tries to make me doubt,

I say, "My sins are gone,

You got me into trouble but Jesus got me out."

I'm glad my sins are gone!

They're underneath the blood on the cross of Calvary,

As far removed as darkness is from dawn;

In the sea of God's forgetfulness, that's good enough for me,

Praise God, my sins are gone!

I'm living now for Jesus, I'm happy night and day,

Because my sins are gone;

My soul is filled with music, with all my heart I say,

"I know my sins are gone!"

They're underneath the blood on the cross of Calvary,

As far removed as darkness is from dawn;

In the sea of God's forgetfulness, that's good enough for me,

Praise God, my sins are gone!

They're underneath the blood on the cross of Calvary,

As far removed as darkness is from dawn;

In the sea of God's forgetfulness, that's good enough for me,

Praise God,

Praise God,

Praise God, my sins are gone!

There are some beautiful word pictures from the hymn writer in that wonderful song. It is a great way for us to start, stay, and to finish our day. With God's provision and help. Always. May God bless each one. Amen. .....More later.

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