Wednesday, September 9, 2020

"What did Mrs. Claus say to Santa when he asked what the weather forecast for Christmas was? It looks like rain, dear." ~ copied, no attribution listed

Good morning and welcome. It is Wednesday, September 9, 2020, and, I sure hope you were not one of those licking your lips in anticipation of the promised cool front for this week. Monday evening I dutifully tuned in to the 9 p.m. news and weather and the weather fellow said something like this, "Remember that cool front we were supposed to get this week, well, it's not going to happen." He then gave a bunch of reasons using weather jargon that meant about as much as the original empty promise for a cool down. I will confess that I was taken in by their promotional shenanigans. I actually had looked at the 5 days forecast and saw one morning with a 65 degree low. I didn't break out into the hallelujah chorus but I have to be honest here, I did see myself sitting outside at dark-thirty in the early morning with a steaming hot cup of Community in my hand. Instead, I suppose I could crank down the A/C and put on that video of the train clearing the snow off the tracks. And, the cup of Community stays, regardless of the weather situation. Just so your know.

Bentley here, "Sure. I'm zonked. Think about it: In bed just after 9 PM and up at 5 AM. Walking here and there outside. Taking my inspection tour ride each morning in the pickup truck. Playing with my toys. Jumping for joy when greeting visitors. Barking and flipping out when those pesky cats parade outside my sliding glass door. Begging for a few tasty tidbits from the table. Drinking my water which leads to additional outside activity. Eating my regular food which they say is expensive, but, it's not nearly as good as the crumbs they give me from the table. Playing fetch until I either lose the ball or lose my breath. One of my all-time favorites, getting my belly rubbed, especially by the lady of the house. She is more gentle than others. Then I do have to have a nap here and there, AND, the biggie, the weekly bath game. They do the bathing. Then the toweling. (Feels like I have been run through a coin-operated car wash) After that, comes the running. Why? I'm not sure but I have to run until I am dry. It is a vicious cycle. Think about it: You would be zonked too!"

Our newest great and grand Ava Ramona is now at home getting adjusted to her new surroundings including her big sister Madelyn Joy, and, the dogs, Ceasar and Bailey. (That's Bailey in the second photo.) We have a large family messenger group where we try to keep up with all that is going on within our extended clan. Here are the two notes I sent regarding little Ava's entrance into the world: Note Number 1, with photo: "God has blessed us with our 4th great grand born into our family along with 4 more who became a part of our clan. God is good!" Note Number 2 with photo: "God is good. Tiff and Brandon have little Ava home now. MawMaw Sherrie has been down with her appendix issues. Great Grand MiMi has been in Louisiana all last week helping with the cleanup at her sister's place, and, as a result, she is now dealing with a serious poison ivy situation. Yet, God worked it all out and pandemic or illnesses didn't slow down his precious provision. Thank You, Lord. Amen." We continue to thank the Lord God of heaven for His provision and care. Yeah, me too. I agree, I think those photos deserve captions. Y'all enjoy the rest of your day and don't fret too much about the missed cold front. Maybe you could watch the movie Frozen again. Maybe not. May God add His blessings. Amen. .....More later. 

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