Friday, September 25, 2020

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” – George Bernard Shaw

Our first grandchild, Tiffany Marrie, with our newest great-grand, Ava Ramona.

Hello, once again and welcome to today's edition. It is Friday, September 25, 2020, and I do bid each one a hearty hello as we make the best of the day God has given to us. There are days when I get the sense one choice might be to use the 'This Page Left Intentionally Blank' option. However, something typically shows up and we end up putting something on the page. The collective we as in me, myself, and I. Yesterday, we were keeping our great grand Gabi for a few hours while her mom took care of some medical appointments. Gabi, Mr. Bentley, and I went out and sat on the tailgate of the old pickup truck. Mr. Bentley loves to do that so he can sit in my lap and watch folks going forth and back. He was a little perplexed by having little Gabi-girl with us, but, he pretty soon accepted it. I did notice myself often saying to Gabi how she should be careful playing in the bed of the truck. Watch out! Don't fall! You might hurt yourself! Really? I grew up riding in the back of old trucks and hanging on as best we could. But, the older we get it is the more cautious we are. I know in my mind I was doing it to protect her or was it more to protect me from something happening on my watch? Oh well, she didn't get a bobo while she was with me and I suppose that's a good thing. Right?


At this time of year, I always think about as I young fellow, my first days to hunt each fall. Good memories.


It Won't Be Long!

When I was growing up one of the things we looked forward to was the beginning of hunting season. My granddad was an avid squirrel and deer hunter and he always took the time each year to prepare for the upcoming season. We would all clean our guns and make sure what little equipment we had was ready for use.

To kick off the season sometimes we would leave on Friday afternoon for a squirrel hunting venture. We would find us a good place for a camp and get set up for spending the night. My grandfather typically would try to kill a couple of squirrels for our breakfast the next morning. We would have a roaring fire and enjoy the brisk cool weather deep in the piney woods.

We didn’t have a tent or other types of conventional camping equipment. My granddad would sleep on an army cot and my little brother and I would sleep in the back of the old pick-up truck. We didn’t have sleeping bags so we used old worn-out quilts to roll up in. By the time morning rolled around we were usually freezing since the truck collected dew and we would be half wet all bundled up in our sleeping gear.

Way before daybreak my granddad would be up building the fire and making breakfast. We would begin to stir as the smell of food made its irresistible call. Paw Paw had made fried squirrel, smothered in gravy, and fried eggs along with homemade skillet biscuits (he called his biscuits sinkers because they were so heavy), and hot coffee. Talk about a way to wake up! He would look to see us up on one elbow and typically would ask, “Are you boys going to be laid up all day like a bunch of dogs?”

We would make our way over to the fire and after a short prayer dig in to one of the finest meals served anywhere in the world. We would finish off our feast with some biscuit and homemade jelly or syrup and sit back and bask in the great outdoors. We are food people and we are breakfast people. I’ve had a proper English breakfast in London and in Scotland as well, I’ve had the finest steak and eggs in a premium hotel restaurant in New York City but let me go on record: not one of them would ever compare to a campfire breakfast made by Paw Paw Mac.

We didn’t hunt for the fun of it, although we boys had fun, we hunted because it was a part of our way of life. It was one more element in the food chain and my granddad believed in making sure we took care of our kill so that it could be taken home and preserved for a future meal. It’s still hot weather here in our area but it won’t be long until those first few days of coolness come on the scene. On those first days, I walk around the yard with my coffee in hand and I remember the anticipation and excitement of our first of the season hunting expedition! 

Have a great Saturday and Lord's Day Sunday. May God be with each one. Amen. .....More later.

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