Thursday, September 24, 2020

"Life brings tears, smiles, and memories. The tears dry, the smiles fade, but the memories last forever." ~ copied

Good morning and welcome. It is Thursday, September 24, 2020, and I send each one a greeting as we continue the journey. I have been privileged over the years to have enjoyed meals in some pretty nice restuarants. High class places with prices to match. I can remember when I would travel on business there would always be the 'special' place everyone said was a 'must visit'. I could really scour the vault and come up with a few recollections of the heralded equisite menu, but, that would be really difficult. I know it included some really good steaks, lobsters, and things of that sort. Interestingly enough, I don't even have to open to vault to remind myself of the wonderful food cooked up my mom, my grandmother, my mother-in-law, and for these nearly 56 years, my great cooking wife. I know. Different strokes. Just this past week, the wife served up her mom's smothered steak and gravy alongside rice, peas, okra, cornbread, and a tall glass of iced tea. I've eaten that meal including the leftovers three different times and I complimented her every time I enjoyed as if it was the first time. So many memories built in. Simple? Some might even refer to it as poor folks food, but, it is the stuff my memories are made of, and, I am so thankful that I enjoy simple meals and have someone who knows how to make it special. Amen

Yep. I know you've heard all about my enjoyment of homecooked meals before, but, it is something I continue to enjoy and I am so thankful that I do. I mean that. Three score ten plus four and I still get excited when I come in contact with the smells originating from the kitchen. It's a family legacy deal in our clan. In other words, we grew up with food being a huge part of our lives and it has continued. That little sign on the board was what we thought as grandkids. It is what my kids thought about their grandmothers. And, I am very happy to report our grandchildren feel that way about the wife, their MiMi. Others may have their own special recollections from their past. They might include special times spent in travel or other memorable activities. I have a few of those too. However, nothing brings it all back to me more than the indelible images of a wonderfully prepared homecooked meal. When I think about this I can't help but remember my wife's brother, our dear Brother Milton. He loved the simple things in life and in particular he was excited and exhuberant about the simplest of homecooked meals. I remember when the wife and I were dating and after Church services we went over to Milton's and Glenda's. They had their first child and he was maybe a year old. They had invited several people. I was very shy but also very observant. Milton was like a child in being so excited to have folks there with them. He couldn't stop talking about the meal we would be enjoying. Fried potato and light bread sandwiches washed down with a glass of milk. "You can't beat that on cold evening, brother!" I can remember it like it was yesterday. My point? Enjoy the simple things God has given to you and yes, it might even be good if we could be excited some about these blessings. Amen

Even as I plunk around on the keyboard, the wife, who had a restless night, is up making breakfast. She's preparing fried bacon and homemade French toast. Growing up, we had French toast when mom prepared cream of wheat for us. I can't remember ever eating it without the cream of wheat. She made her batter the same way the wife does. Today's edition will be made with some neighbor provided 'farm' fresh eggs. That's right. Right here in our subdivision, she has laying hens. We didn't have a lot of stuff growing up. More than ofthers, but, a lot less than most. However, we had bold traditions and we had food prepared with love and attention. I will never forget Granny Mac's saying, "Good food begins with caring." And, she cared. That's what I had on my mind today and now I have thrown it out there for everyone to see. "I think that fellow is a little over the top when it comes to things like simple homecooked meals." Guilty, your honor. Now that everyone is hungry, I will say so long for today as I pray God's blessings on us all. Amen. .....More later.

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