Tuesday, September 1, 2020

“Eventually, even Pavlov found that when he heard a bell he had the overwhelming urge to feed a dog.” ― Julian K. Jarboe (This was funny to me. If not for you, then don't fret over it.)

Well, hello there. It's Tuesday, September 1, 2020, and, we are, again, able to thank God for another day. We take them one at a time, but, only with His provision and help.  I heard one weather person, (he is a man but my understanding is saying weatherman is no longer acceptable), talking about this waking up to mid-eighties temperatures as unprecedented. He said it is above and beyond the average for lows even for August. He went on to mention that while people greatly overuse the term, new normal, he fears that these higher wake up temperatures for this time of year may be just that, the new normal. These are not recorded daily highs but more accurately they would be record high lows if that makes sense. One reporting station in our area reported an overnight low of 87 degrees. I know that's hot. It is especially hot for those us of who have been conditioned by the air conditioning. Even Mr. Bentley is anxious to get back inside after being outside in the middle of the hottest part of the afternoon. Growing up, we didn't have air conditioning. At some point and time, we did get ourselves a box fan. My guess is it was handed down to us from someone because I cannot imagine mom being able to purchase one just for us. We ended up putting it in one of the windows that stayed open at night. It rested on the window jam against the screen. Moisture is created when the dewpoint is reached as in the formation of dew. We got plenty of the heavy air and wet coming through that open window and blown across the room through the fan. We were already wet with sweat but once we got the fan and the air it moved, we hardly could imagine survival without it. That, by way of explanation, is my way of describing what it means to be conditioned by the long term use of air conditioning. Which, by the way, I am very thankful for it. Amen

I well remember the days of racial tension back in the 1960s. It was a very unsettling time in our nation's history. It was incumbent upon our nation and her leaders to deal with the racial disparities that had gone unaddressed for so long. Since then, much progress has been made. There is no such thing as utopia when it comes to solving every facet of this situation. It is and will continue to be a work in progress. However, what we are seeing on our streets today have a different feel to them. The first priority is to deal with any improper behavior on the part of those who wear a badge and carry a weapon to serve and protect the public. Whatever that takes. Training, accountability, along with the prosecution of those who commit criminal acts. Using these failures to foment the destruction of entire neighborhoods is unacceptable. Our justice system is run by people and people are flawed, but, it is the judicial process that should deal with wrongdoing wherever it exists. As for these groups that hate any and everything about America, well, when they wreak murder and destruction, they too must be dealt with according to the law. The right to peaceful protest is not the question here. It is allowed and protected under our constitutional rights. The willful harming of people and the destruction of property cannot be tolerated regardless of the matter being protested. That's a thumbnail assessment of my view on this very sad and perplexing issue. May God help. Amen.

I joke a lot about my grammar checking program, (Grammarly free edition), but, for those of you who read what I write, you can be sure it does help ferret out my mistakes so I can choose whether to correct them or not. It has been very helpful. I do recommend it. Here is my most recent report from them:





Your Weekly Writing Update


Looks like somebody's been busy! Your writing statistics show that you were more productive than 91% of Grammarly users last week.












You were more accurate than
83% of Grammarly users.









alerts shown

























AUG 09




AUG 23




















You used more unique words than
87% of Grammarly users.









unique words used

























AUG 09




AUG 23


















Some of the tones that were detected in your writing last week:












































































































total words checked by Grammarly
since Jun 08, 2016 (10,054 last week)





Thanks again for reading what I share. It would be hard to know if I wrote something and no one read it, would a tree still be heard in the woods? Just joking. Have a good rest of the day and may God bless each one. Amen. .....More later.

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