Monday, September 28, 2020

“There are two kinds of forecasters: those who don’t know, and those who don’t know they don’t know.” ― John Kenneth Galbraith

The picture painted by local weather forecasters.
This must be the place and since we are here, we might as well sit for a spell and enjoy a hot cup of strong Community. I have found Community Coffee to be the very best for friendly conversations. It is Monday, September 28, 2020. The weather folks remind me of my mom standing on the porch hollering at us kids. "This is the last time I'm going to tell you to come in. There will be morning lows this week in the 50s. I guarantee it and if you don't believe me, maybe the belt can talk better than me." The question for us kids was to try and predict when she really meant the last time. We had no doubts about the belt doing the talking, but, we would always try and push it to the limit. As it relates to the weather people, this time they mean business. It will be fall-like weather and they are excited about it. I suppose that's why they promise the great reveal coming up in the full edition of the weather segment. In other words, don't touch that dial or my belt will have to do some talking. Okay. I most likely stretched a disconnected metaphor way too far but when you put it out there I've found it best to stay with it. Yes. Even if it wasn't that good, to begin with. Here's my take on the weather forecast. I sincerely hope they are right. And, I'll be the first to congratulate them if they are. If not, well, I will join that chorus in progress of 'I told you so' and move on to the next great weather reveal, coming up right after these twenty-two commercials.

I know what some are thinking. I sure pick on the weather folks a lot. Well, to be honest, they are very easy targets and they have the reputation to go along with it. I love the photos of weather folks doing their best to keep their little canoe in the water while the camera accidentally pans out and you see a couple of fellows walking by in 2" of water. Or, those who hang onto a tree for dear life when in actuality everyone else is going on their merry way. Those are the things that do tend to give them their stereotyped image. At the same time, I know many of them are hardworking, well-qualified people who do their best each and every day. I think in large measure the comical image has developed as a result of their producers wanting to wring out every penny of time and advertising out of the weather segment. (And, yes, I am aware that John Kenneth Galbraith was a famous economist and I borrowed his quote in my title that was likely related to economic forecasting.) It was one of those if the shoe fits then wear it kind of things. Weather people used to get a lot of bad press when they overhyped potential weather systems that caused people to take specific actions as a result of the forecast. Nowadays, they seem to be covered by that blanket of immunity which says, "We missed the forecast but at least people were not injured." I worked out in the public world for over 50 years and I can't remember as a manager getting those kinds of do-overs when I made a wrong decision. But, good for them. I suppose. They will be back tomorrow with more teases to keep everyone tuned in.

I know many of you will not be surprised to learn that I write all of Mr. Bentley's comments for him. The Shi Tzu page he posts on has over 22,000 members from nearly every corner of the globe. When Mr. Bentley first started posting, he was designated as a 'Rising Star'. Later, he moved up to 'Conversation Starter'. Today, his postings have a badge stipulating his prose as being a 'Visual Storyteller'. As I said before, he and I work as a team, therefore, I do like sharing that title as a visual storyteller. The technical definition of a visual storyteller is someone who uses images to help describe what they are writing about. To me, I prefer those who can paint word pictures with their writing. As it relates to Mr. Bentley, I look at his photo and try and come up with a caption that explains his expression or what is on his mind. Here's the story I put with the above photo: ~ Bentley here, "We went outside and those pesky kids were out there again on the corner waiting for their school bus. I saw them, bowed myself up as big as I could, and let out my most ferocious bark. My leash holder laughed and told the kids, 'Don't worry about Bentley, he wouldn't hurt a flea.' There went my street creds right down the drain!" ~ Who would have ever thought I would end up being a ghostwriter for a mutt? Who knows? Maybe he will someday share his royalties. Have a great rest of the day Monday and may God be with each one. Amen. ....More later.

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