Tuesday, September 8, 2020

HEAVEN WILL SURELY BE WORTH IT ALL written by W. Oliver Cooper and Minzo C. Jones, Copyright 1946

Good morning and welcome back. It is Tuesday, September 8, 2020, and we find ourselves smack dab in the middle of continuing the journey God has allowed us to travel through this life. Last Sunday morning our pastor presented a message dealing with when God will make all things new as revealed in Revelation Chapter 21. He was pointing out how difficult it is for us to even imagine what it will be like in the eternal existence God has prepared for us. Songs sing about it. Poems are written about it. Many try to visualize what it will be like, however, our ability to comprehend reaches its limits as we appreciate the magnificence of what God has planned for His own. The point of the sermon was to remind us all that as believers our home is not here in the location where we live, the state, or the country we reside in. We already sit in heavenly places because we have put our faith and trust in Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord. (Ephesians 2:6) At the same time, our home is on high, but, our place to work is here on the planet. We live up there but we work here. He went on to say too many who profess Christ live here but do very little work to show others how they too can have this eternal home. The sermon reminded me of an old Albert E. Brumley song we sang often when we gathered as the Bible Baptist Church of Hornbeck, Louisiana:

This World is Not My Home

This world is not my home I'm just a passing through

My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue

The angels beckon me from heaven's open door

And I can't feel at home in this world anymore

Oh lord you know I have no friend like you

If heaven's not my home then Lord what will I do

The angels beckon me from heaven's open door

And I can't feel at home in this world anymore

Now that Labor Day is behind us, supposedly, now is when the campaign for President really heats up. If it heats up more than it already is, we may have to trade our hip boots in for a rubber suit. And, that's just to deal with the amount of mud flying all around. One of the things I am seeing that appears to be different is the reported violence going on against people who are not in agreement as to which candidate should lead our nation. There are many examples of folks attacking others because of their stated political preference. A new one popped up from four days ago: A young boy, a 12-year-old Trump supporter has reported to police in Boulder, Colorado, that he was assaulted by a 30-year-old woman. His crime? He was carrying a sign that read Trump-Pence Keep America Great 2020. She allegedly told him, "You want something to look at?", before punching him in the back of the head and scratching his arm. I notice in our neighborhood there are a number of houses with Trump signs in their yards. There are a couple with Biden signs. We have a long tradition of allowing people to make up their own minds. I very much disagree with those who would vote for Joe Biden. I do. I think it is a wrong choice for our nation and for what I believe are the principles we need to hang onto. However, I respect their right to make up their own mind. Whatever happened to that concept?

One of the ongoing reminders from our pastor is how we should take our stand but we should do so with humility and respect. Some of us, on Facebook, write about things, and share things that certainly do not include any humility or respect. Shame on us. I read a forth and back on Twitter between a conservative commentator and a lady who engaged him. He had said a vote for Biden-Harris would be a vote for late-term abortions including allowing a baby born alive to die. This lady said she planned to vote for Biden-Harris but she was vehemently against abortion. She said, however, she is so against Trump and those who are like him she had decided even though she disagrees on some issues, to cast her vote against Trump. I certainly do not agree with her logic but at the same time, I do appreciate her explanation for why she had decided to vote the way she will vote. I disagree with her choice. I disagree that Biden-Harris will be better for our nation. At the same time, I understand what she said. Many people would not agree with me being lukewarm in my support of President Trump. Sorry. I will, Lord willing, and unless something I don't know about occurs, vote for him, period. That doesn't mean I think he has been a great President or will become one in the next term. It was that way last go round and it is the same now, a matter of principles, and I, for one, cannot go with the agenda of the radical left in any form whatsoever. As our pastor said, should it go the other way, he will get up the next morning and praise the God who is in ultimate control of all things because He, my friend, does know what He is doing. Amen. .....More later. 

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