Monday, September 21, 2020

From the New King James Version, Hebrews 12:14 "Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord:"

Good Monday morning and welcome to this day where we will be observing it for a full 24 hours, September 21, 2020. Our pastor has reminded us often that people who have not been changed by the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, well, they act like who they are, those unchanged by the power of the Gospel. He reminds us that only God can change the heart and He does that through the instrumentality of the Holy Spirit. In fact, that is an exclusive responsibility of God the Holy Spirit, to convict and convince the heart of a person lost and disconnected from their God. All the condemnatory memes and posts asking lost people to re-post 'Jesus is Lord' is not able to change their hearts. The living example of one who loves the way Jesus loves and is willing to show that love even to the unlovable, well, that will set up opportunities to share the Gospel and see the Holy Spirit do His work. The Apostle Paul instructed the Church meeting in Ephesus, Greece, to 'speak the truth in love' which will reflect their maturity in Christ. (Ephesians 4:15) Sometimes in the midst of our angst and frustration, we put forth the truth but do so without our love being just as obvious as our message. Here is how the Apostle Peter said our witness should be carried out, "but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence;" (1 Peter 3:15 as rendered in the New American Standard Bible).

The other day I wrote some about the Book of Job. I wanted everyone to know I did listen to the entire book, all 42 chapters. It is a book of sadness, suffering, and trials, but, it is at the same time a revelation of God's sovereign providence and His provision for His servants even during dark days. My point? I wouldn't recommend a reading for others that did not speak to me as well. We did get us a couple of very nice mornings over the past several days even as we await yet another weather system that may create additional issues for folks in its path. (Tropical Storm Beta) Yesterday, we clocked a 64 degree low and I was up early and sitting outside drinking my Community. I told the wife it was eerily quiet out there and I finally figured it out. The central a/c system wasn't breathlessly kicking on to try and mitigate the heat and humidity. I also bet the electric meter was happy to be less engaged, at least for a few hours. And, you will not be surprised to know I have looked ahead at what the prognosticators are guessing about our upcoming weather. We may get some low 60s in October but it appears it will be November before we get into the 50s. Unfortunately, the 90s are not yet off the charts, but, those lower temps should give us all something to look forward to. Amen.

I did look back and I found a blog I wrote and published on Tuesday, November 12, 2019, where we were actually looking at a cool down into the low 30s with the next morning perhaps even into the 20s. Now that was the weather like I remember us having growing up. While I am not on the bandwagon of those radical climate change folks, I do know the weather patterns have changed, based on my own experience during my 74 plus years. I also do not doubt the ability of human beings to contribute to our own destruction because we as a whole are a fallen race. However, these changed weather patterns may be normally occurring during different periods of time. We have scientists who say the sky is falling and we have others who say we are actually in a normal adjustment that can be proven to have taken place before. While I don't have personal knowledge regarding the answers, I do know it is different than when I was a kid where we would see frost typically beginning in mid-September with ever colder weather all the way through the next March or April. I do know this. It is ultimately in God's purview to determine the future of how and when He will usher in the final days of earth's existence as we know it. He, as the all-knowing God, has everything under control. Even if I can't make sense out of all the babbling talking heads, I can, with confidence, trust God and look to Him with simple childlike faith. Amen. .....More later.

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