Tuesday, February 23, 2021

"The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter - 'tis the difference between the lightning-bug and the lightning." ~ Mark Twain

Hello and welcome. Today. It is Tuesday, February 23, 2021. Everyone is giving the new administration a pass on their performance in the first 100 days because of all the 'undoing' the President has had to deal with in order to bring sanity back to our country, and, to the entire world. This is how the mainstream is reporting this first report card. Really hard-hitting. Right? I copied the article above from a friend's Facebook posting. I use it because it does point out some of the challenges we face in communicating in the English language. Maybe that's why the media is struggling with finding the right words to use in assessing President Biden's performance. I rather doubt that to be the problem, but, I will agree they are having trouble figuring out what to say next for the fill in the blank, "What he really meant to say is this:........." That right there keeps them busy around the clock. We all have a viewfinder that we observe and interpret happenings and actions through. That viewfinder has its own presets. Mine is set up to see things via traditional conservative principles, as I understand them. The mainstream has its own viewfinders and I'll let you guess what their presets emphasize. Time's up.

Here's another image posted on Facebook with the implied application of these facts helping one to know how old they feel. Even though I recognize every one of those listed, I actually think it could make folks a wee bit younger than me to begin feeling a little older.  Some odds and ends. I saw a posting by the local policing authorities that seemed somewhat humorous to me. They wanted to know if anyone recognized the fellow captured on one of those doorbell security cameras. He was a burglary suspect. He was a black guy, wearing black clothes, a black cap, and one of those social distancing black pull-up masks. It looked like a blackout to me. I went to my dental appointment for my six-month cleaning and a search for any and all additional dental procedures that might help their bottom line. Because of my diabetes which includes blood pressure medication, they always check my blood pressure before turning on the searchlight. The hygenist used one of those wrist units but the first take was not successful due to it not being tight enough. She laughed and said the unit was ancient. (I thought I recognized it from a rerun on the BBC version of Antiques Road Show.) She said the velcro had lost its holding ability, therefore, she strapped up again and this time she held it to my wrist. The number read 136/75 which she said was okay but to tell the truth, I didn't have a lot of confidence in the report. They have a dozen of those lay-down exam chairs in that joint, several staff dentists, and, a large number of teeth cleaners. My point? Surely they can afford an up-to-date testing device. One final thing. Since the pandemic, they have added a $15 sanitizing charge to clean up between patients. While waiting for my appointment, I observed this clean-up process. One to two minutes at the most. I will be kind and say two minutes. That works out to $450 per hour for sanitizing. Just 'sayin'.

I actually had better material than I shared. I suppose I will have to start jotting down things when I observe them since, blame it on COVID, my retaining gift that has always served me well seems to have, like Elvis, left the building. Will it come back? One hopes. I suppose that is one of those yet-to-be-determined situations. Thanks again for your support and I will continue to do what I can do until I can do better. That actually sounds like a plan. Have a great rest of the day and may God bless. Amen. .....More later.

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