Tuesday, February 9, 2021

From a website article about praying for our leaders, "The Bible is clear; Christians are meant to seek God’s guidance for our leaders and those in authority. Yet, many of us are so consumed with fear, frustration, or even apathy that we’ve forsaken these instructions."

Good morning folks and welcome to some regurgitated thoughts and ideas that pretty much come from the same source even though they are repackaged and disguised from time to time. It is Tuesday, February 9, 2021, and we are thankful to be able to embrace another day as God provides. I did not vote for the current occupant of the Oval Office. It was a conscience deal with me. The other day I tried to watch him speak about the so-called stimulus package he is trying to ram through the Congress. I could not stay with it because he could not even read from the teleprompter in a coherent way. I am not making that up. This display of cognition chaos makes one wonder about his signing of the record number of executive orders he has already implemented. At the same time, I pray for him and for his administration because we are instructed to do so by the Lord. Remember, God used many pagan kings to accomplish His purpose as told to us in the Old Testament. Why should I pray? 1) "First of all, then, I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving be offered for everyone— 2) for kings and all those in authority—so that we may lead tranquil and quiet lives in all godliness and dignity. 3) This is good and pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, 4who wants everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth." 1st Timothy Chapter 2 from the Berean Study Bible. Amen

I am glad to report the wife is back home and our version of a normal rhythm of life has returned. I can't explain everything about how this works but it is a big deal, especially to those who are blessed by God to have a long run together, (for us, 56-1/2 years). We have observed up close and personally the impact when this rhythm is interrupted by death. While no one can know how difficult this is until it comes to them, we have dear ones who are still dealing with the impact many years after the loss of their mate. Some, however, are happy with the memories of their previous normal rhythm of life. I well remember an elderly lady interviewed for a PBS radio special about being active in old age. Her claim to fame was, at 95, her daily swimming (skinny dipping) in a pond on her property nine months out of the year. The interviewer mentioned her widowhood for twenty years and asked if she had ever entertained any offers from would-be suitors. The lady laughed and said she had plenty of offers from those in the nearby villages but her conclusion was this, "When you have had the best, why mess around with the rest?"

This past Sunday, I was comparing my Covid experience to the one experienced by one of our associate pastors. He is in his 40's and was not as sick as I was but had to deal with fatigue and one he had not expected, the brain fog. And, all I could say was Amen to that one. Now you know what I have been up against in trying to do my blogs each day. Here's what WebMD says about this condition: "'Brain fog' isn't a medical condition. It's a term used for certain symptoms that can affect your ability to think. You may feel confused or disorganized or find it hard to focus or put your thoughts into words." I know what some of you are thinking. "So, what's new with you?" While there is likely truth in that question, I will tell you it has been a little more foggy than normal. Guess it's time for me to man up and put into practice what I used to tell my managers at the big company, "On my worst day I'm still going to be working at the 100% commitment level." Those were the days. Or, maybe, just maybe, there are a few of those days left. Hang in there and I am hoping to reach the partly cloudy level real soon. Y'all take care now, you hear? And, may God bless each one. Amen. .....More later.

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