Monday, December 7, 2020

“Yesterday, December 7, 1941 — a date which will live in infamy — the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

Good morning and welcome back as we celebrate another day the Lord has given to us. This one being Monday, December 7, 2020, the day remembered as Pearl Harbor Day, a defining day in our history, after being attacked by the Japanese, it brought our country into WWII. Many will pause to think about those directly impacted along with how our nation helped save the world from the tyranny of evil during those dark days. God was good to allow us and our allies the final victory after so many deaths and widespread destruction. We thank God for His provision and we remember and honor the sacrifices of so many. Amen.

Beginning Friday evening and running through Sunday afternoon, we logged a total of 12 hours portraying Santa and Mrs. Claus. COVID made things different, but one thing has not changed. Children love Christmas and they love Santa and Mrs. Claus. The folks we worked with Friday evening had a very effective setup to get photos while honoring the safety protocols. They had us in chairs with the children in front of us on a bench and they captured photos using a mounted tablet camera on a stand. The photos were captured and sent to the parents via text or email and they looked great. The parents were happy and the children thrilled, although some of them wanted to love on us, but, most of them were satisfied with a fist bump. We spent 8 hours Saturday in the photography studio and made some phenomenal portraits. These were organized to minimize contact while still capturing the Christmas magic. It was a long day but very gratifying as we were once again able to work with such consummate professionals and lovely children. Sunday afternoon we did a birthday Christmas party for a young lady, Hannah, who turned 7. There were some 15 children and their families and we were able to have a wonderful time with them. Mrs. Claus read 'The Night Before Christmas' and led in some Christmas songs and we made oodles of photos. We felt good coming out of our time spent with such wonderful people and look forward to the handful of events we still have on our schedule. God was good to allow us to do these events. Amen

They say all good things come to an end and that is certainly true with regards to my wife's enjoyment of her favorite hot chocolate drink, Butter-Nut. She began enjoying this particular mix back in the mid-1970s when I purchased it by the carton from the people who provided it to the company I worked for. As the years went by we were able to get it from different grocery sources and the last we were able to find we ordered on the internet. I made up her last serving this past Saturday. The company making it changed hands a couple of times and ended up being owned by Smuckers who, last year, phased it out. After investigating alternatives I discovered SwissMiss as being at the top of the food chain in terms of ranking. We bought some of the SwissMiss and I made it for her this past Sunday. Not the same. Such is life. But, it was a reasonable facsimile, therefore, we soldier on. That's how it goes here at the ole Blogger ranch. I do hope you have a wonderful day and that we all take the time to thank God for His provisions. Amen. .....More later. 

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