Tuesday, December 1, 2020

"A politician is a man who will double cross that bridge when he comes to it." ~ Oscar Levant

Hello Tuesday, December 1, 2020. We come to the last month of this most strange year. Many are sitting on the edge of their seats waiting for the vaccine to become available. If things go the way they usually go, it will likely take a while before the average person gets their inoculation. I've already read where the most promising vaccine in the UK has some recently discovered issues with the testing protocols and may be delayed until all of that is sorted out. I don't want to be a doomsayer here, but, most of the parade of lawsuit ambulance-chasing lawyer ads on TV are for drug-related issues, many of which were heralded as wonder drugs when they were launched. I always think it interesting they list the potentially harmful results including death. I suppose that means a surviving relative might respond on behalf of the individual who had taken the drug and died. See how I work these things out? I also love the fine print at the end of the ad that only a person with their nose to the TV screen could read before it is taken away. Those are filled up with disclaimers, immunities, and all the other stuff that covers those making the representations. You know what I mean? It's a first shot at denying any and all allegations along with denying the alligator as well. Sorry, if you think I am being too hard on these folks. They have most likely helped out some people. Check first the folks who are placing the ads because I'm pretty sure they have been helped a whole bunch. Please don't stop me now. I am on a roll. Just messing around. Don't take it too seriously.

The implications of the rhetoric from the incoming new administration indicated for several months they had a way of stopping COVID in its tracks. This means we should have a fix to the pandemic, day one. It does cause one to wonder why this magic wand approach wasn't put into a white paper and shared for the good of the American people. With so much suffering and with so many deaths, one would think the public interest would override any and all political considerations. Of course, vaccine availability may end up being the answer, but, I will say this about these vague promises of victory over the coronavirus pandemic. A national policy to mandate the wearing of masks does not appear to be something that would make a huge dent in controlling the outbreak. I base that on different studies, the most recent emanating from Denmark, one that seems to have a lot of backing, and, it shows only a statistically insignificant improvement from the wearing of the N-95 masks. That was my reading of what is a long and technically challenging report which can be found at the website of the American College of Physicians in the Annals of Internal Medicine section. The study is entitled 'Effectiveness of Adding a Mask Recommendation to Other Public Health Measures to Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Danish Mask Wearers'. My point? This is the often-repeated approach as given by President-elect Biden and realizing I am just a layperson, but, this national mandate regarding masks doesn't seem to be an effective way to stop the pandemic. Just me. You can check it out for yourself.

I'm not one of the conspiracies promoters, but, I believe it is true that major social media outlets are now allowing access to information that was before, the election, difficult to find. The study I mentioned above is readily available, but, a lot of shenanigans have gone on in the handling of search inputs and how they were routed. That, my friend, is about as Orwellian as it gets. These interventions are not denied by the providers of these information infrastructures, but, the response to these abuses has been mostly,  an oh well, and let's move on. But, let me try my own version of moving on to something a little lighter to close out today's visit. I don't have a laugh track but I may need one. "A termite walks into a bar and asks, 'Is the bar tender here?'" ~ What's the difference between swine flu and bird flu? One requires oinkment and the other tweetment. ~ These are even too bad for me. I do hope you have a God blessed day because He and He alone is the answer to all the challenges we have in 2020, or, in any other year or situation we find ourselves dealing with. May He add His blessings. Amen. ....More later. 

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