Thursday, December 10, 2020

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

Associated Press photo.

Good morning and welcome to another day. It is Thursday, December 10, 2020, and I hope all is well in and around your neighborhood. We continue to pass on adding more Santa and Mrs. Claus appearances. We have been ever so pleased with the folks we have worked with thus far, especially in the measures they have taken to honor the safety protocols. However, we are there to represent the Christmas spirit, and many of the children, and even some parents have trouble recognizing and honoring boundaries. Nothing intentional I'm sure, but, having strangers hugging you might not be the best for us old folks. We still have several events on the books but I think we will not add any more. Speaking of the Christmas spirit, this past Tuesday saw many remembering the dusting of snow we received back in 2017. Here's what I had to say about that back then.


“At one time, most of my friends could hear the bell, but as years passed, it fell silent for all of them. Even Sarah found one Christmas that she could no longer hear its sweet sound. Though I've grown old, the bell still rings for me, as it does for all who truly believe.” ― Chris Van Allsburg, The Polar Express

From the Houston Chronicle. For some reason, I like the sweater.
It was a beautiful 'Christmas Card' ride into work this morning with the dusting of snow we received overnight. Having worked all day yesterday, then rushing home and changing into my Jolly Ole Elf attire to entertain children for two hours at the Chick-fil-A, well, when I got back home it did not take me long to find my pajamas. As Santa, I was informed about the white stuff falling from the sky beginning at 10 p.m. last night. I believe I was so excited I had this response, "It is? Okay. Thanks." I had a decent accumulation on my work truck this morning and I did pause to thank God for the beauty of His display of natural splendor. There may be one of those that says when you feel too old to get out and play in the snow, well, I'll let you fill in the blank because, for me, I had a most wonderful night of restful sleep.

We have not had to deal with the white stuff this holiday season and I wouldn't hold my breath waiting on a White Christmas. I know I have experienced a number of snow events during my time on the planet but for those in and around our home area, they were mostly very light and dissipated fairly rapidly. I've traveled to places where there was snow, and some of it fairly deep but I can't say I've ever personally experienced the song setting of the dreamed for White Christmas. Having said that, I do like the song and the dream. It has been a mainstay of our Christmas celebrations ever since I can remember. Here's a little tidbit from Wikipedia: ~ "White Christmas" is an Irving Berlin song reminiscing about an old-fashioned Christmas setting, released in 1942. The version sung by Bing Crosby is the world's best-selling single with estimated sales in excess of 50 million copies worldwide. When the figures for other versions of the song are added to Crosby's, sales of the song exceed 100 million. ~ It does demonstrate the power of lyrics set to music as people enjoy it, even in tropical climates. Okay. It's now time to get on with the day and seek God's provision for it. Amen. .....More later.

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