Friday, July 24, 2020

"You have to think anyway so why not big!" ~ Donald Trump

Good morning folks. We have arrived at today's itinerary entitled Friday, July 24, 2020. I listened to our Governor yesterday and based on the questions he was asked, it's clear he has taken a political beating on his most recent responses in trying to curtail the spread of the coronavirus. Leadership can be a lonely job. The old saying may apply. You have it pretty much in the ballpark when people on all sides are a little less than happy with your decisions. I got the idea that much of the negative response is due to his closing of bars and watering holes serving alcoholic drinks. He continues to believe preemptive protective action is the key to dealing with this issue. He also believes if there were more cooperation in the areas of wearing masks, handwashing, and social distancing, we could get a handle on this disease. As we all have agreed throughout this ordeal, finding accurate information has not been easy, however, I continue to believe as a person of faith, I am responsible to follow my understanding of what God has called submission to the governing authorities. We live in a world where chest-thumping and mean spirited postings is the typical knee-jerk. The bottom line to me is there seems not to be one. And, we continue. 

Speaking of the price one might pay as a leader, I found this tidbit from 13 years ago: ~ My Favorite Challenge: "It Can't Be Done!" Coming up through the ranks I always was interested in how things could be made to be more effective, more efficient, especially on a large scale. Because of this I often found myself engaged in many battles over the years against the “status quo” and the entrenched “powers that be”. Many of the projects I pursued and many of the stands that I took were not for the fainthearted. But one of the things I learned and learned to love is that when you go after something big you get big results. Sounds simple enough but it just happens to be true. Let me say that when you do attempt to make a big change for all the right reasons this does not mean you will be appreciated, or that your motives will not be trashed from many different directions. In trying to make things better I’ve been accused of grandstanding, being contentious, or intent on personal adulation. I look back now at the many big projects our staff tackled and the many innovative changes that literally rocked the boat. I feel blessed that in leading my staff to do big things to make a big difference we contributed much to the effectiveness of our Company's operations. ~

I feel like I wobbled through the week but glad to have had our times together. Thanks for not reporting me to the blog standards association. There's always hope for our next time. With God's provision, of course. We are adopting a game-time decision approach to attending in-person services at our local Church for this upcoming Sunday. One of the things our Governor stressed was for seniors to stay home as much as they possibly can. Hopefully, we will get some sense of direction or we will be attending from our living room and most likely, still in our pajamas. I do hope you have a wonderful Saturday and Lord's Day Sunday. I will do my best to wobble back for our next scheduled visit. Until then, enjoy and be encouraged by this traditional Irish blessing:

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Amen. .....More later.

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