Thursday, July 16, 2020

“All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make, the better.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Good morning. It's still hot here in these parts in case you have not noticed. It is Thursday, July 16, 2020, and I bid you a hearty hello. A lot of what I do here each day is to share my observations but I don't have too many new ones and consequently, my writings have lacked some in variety especially over the past several months. I've been here in the house for more days 24x7 than any other time in my entire sojourn here on the planet. The wife goes much more than I do. I go only when I need to. The dog and I keep the old truck going by taking it for a 10-minute drive each morning. Other than that, it has to be important for me to leave the premises. Like today. I do have my 11 a.m. doctor's visit. I'm not real happy with that time since I will need to fast until I get all the labs done. When I tried to make my appointment online they only could give me afternoon time slots. I called and the nurse got me in at 11 a.m., saying it was the first available morning appointment. I will give her the benefit but that sounds a little far fetched to me. Three weeks out and it is the only morning appointment available? Oh well, you do what you have to do. They sent me all the things they will need to screen before I can come into the facility. They will be asking questions and taking my temperature. And, I should be aware no one is allowed in unless they are wearing a mask. Again, these are the rules and I am going to do my best to follow them. Following the rules is what good clubbers do. (That's what I used to tell our inner-city kids in our Bible club.)

We've been watching a variety of programs on TV. We found a detective series from Australia, 'Call to Murder' that's pretty good. We are also watching some of the Agatha Christie Poroit episodes, the Sherlock Holmes Jeremy Brett series, and related things like those. We do watch quite a lot of music on the YouTube channel via the laptop connected to our big screen TV. Music from all over the world. Literally. We do watch a lot of Gospel music, country Gospel singing, and hours of Southern Gospel Quartet videos available online. We see some preaching as well. I like big bands from back in the 1940s. We even watch several of the early shows from TV back in the day. 'Burns and Allen' is still golden with the banter, the timing, and the situation comedy portrayed. Peter Gunn, Matlock, Dragnet, and a number of the old variety TV shows are also entertaining. The Dean Martin Show, Carol Burnett, and all kinds of TV specials are enjoyable as well. All of this is well and good and I am pleased we have the technology to see these shows. However, we are somewhat growing more and more restless due to the lack of family contact we've always enjoyed. This wall of separation seems to be dragging on and on. Phone calls are good. Social media helps. But, it saddens us and we fear the long term implications of our families not being able to be together. And, I hasten to add, they do it out of an abundance of caution for the wife and I. We do so look forward to when they announce the all-clear on this situation. 

One reason I write as much about Mr. Bentley as I do is because he too is quarantined with us. I'm pretty sure he has us figured out. He is good company even though we do have a fair amount of overhead to keep up with and take care of him. He does do something that we had not expected. He gives us something to laugh about many times throughout the day. We never realized how funny a dog could be. Or, maybe we are just getting older and a little funny ourselves. We try to be thankful for how God has provided for us during these difficult days. We know He has been faithful even when we have been frustrated and wavering. We are also reminded that as His very own, we will be okay no matter the outcome. Knowing that and holding onto it does not make each day an easy day, but, it gives us hope as we continue to make our way forward. Amen. .....More later.

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